Archangel Chamuel, whose name means "he who seeks God," and his divine complement, Archeia Charity, serve on the third ray of divine love. #twinflame @CelestialInspiration Subscribe. Archangels of the Sixth Ray - Archangel Uriel and Archeia Aurora. Verna Maruata is an energy imprinter. And you can neither escape all the devastating things that Mother Earth feels nor put blinders on your eyes. Another thing about him worth noting is that he brings strong spiritual illuminations into your consciousness. Answering this question, yes, they do exist. Love is all around you, and Love is You. There is a knowing which happens instantly without many words needing to be spoken. Or they may put on their armour to ght the forces of cruelty and hatred that cause many of the problems in families and relationships. Together with their legions of pink-flame angels, Chamuel and Charity serve to expand the flame of adoration and divine love within the hearts of men and elementals. Everyone whose Heart Chakra is huge, blazing with Love and spinning fast has got the wings: Spiritual Dragons, some Unicorns, Fairies and YOU, yes, you! This union can be seen with the Elohim especially. When you finish answering the questions you will: El Morya instructs us in The Chela and the Path: Each day the sons and daughters of God evolving in Mater have the opportunity to receive the energies of one of the seven rays cycling from the sphere of light held in the heart of an archangel .Receive the Lord's appointed spirits with the salutation: Hail, flaming one of God! Sadhguru Everyone heard about the Dark, or Fallen Angels, their names are Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub amongst others. Doesnt matter, pick the little stones outside that draw your attention and you like. Chamuel and Charity, two Twin Flames, are an example of two different personalities, united by Love in a beautiful relationship. Archangel Chamuel is known as the Angel of Love. Say: I am the Gold Ray of Christ, and see yourself inside a giant column of Golden Light, surrounded by the bright Blue Light of extra protection. The Angel of Love, entering the relationship with the Parent, smooths it and makes it if not loving, but at least civil. In love and light, in love and light, in love and light. Your Soulmates will not necessarily come into your life as your Partner. A Twin flame is of your soul group, but has the same harmonious light and high vibration as you do. Chamuel comes from the verb "lenachem" in Hebrew, which means comfort and compassion. Even if the whole world gives up on me, I dont give up on myself.. Let me tell you something about perfect love. If you are in an abusive relationship, you are bullied, you are at the bottom of a dark pit, call on Archangel Chamuel to show you Light and give you Strength, Hope, Love and Belief in Yourself. 25. So they help each other to be the best they can be and still grow to their full potential. Keto lunch today. So if your children are ghting or you arent getting along with your spouse, boss or neighbors, or if you dont seem to be able to attract the kind of relationships you want, try adding some prayers to the angels of love to your daily ritual. They have to protect themselves, closing their heart down. Help me hold myself and them in the highest image of light. Chamuel teaches us how to apologize to those we have wronged, even if it wasnt on purpose. Let your angels fill your life with their loving presence and energy. You are meant to meet your Twin Flame soon. He will help them to see that they are one and to understand that true freedom comes from within yourself and not from another but also, to help them realize that they become weak when they let fear control them. Lady Master Clara Louise, Regent Mother of the Flame, twin flame of Amen Bey on the fourth (white) ray of the ascension. Then share your thoughts once you visualize him. Suddenly you get a feeling that you share the Temple with someone, turn around and see the Man dressed in the long flowing shimmering pink gown. Check out my blog (link in bio) for the super easy recipe for all-natural whipped tallow balm! Listen to your body. PLACE a MIRROR facing outwards . Ask Archangel Chamuel to cocoon you in the energy of Love and feel absolutely safe. Let Archangel Chamuel guide you to your Love Path where you will meet your Twin Flame. Thank you to Ellen for transcribing. The ascended masters and archangels teach us about the preciousness of the heart, the guarding of the heart, the stilling of the heart, and the heart as a center and an opening to God. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'inspirationdivination_com-box-3','ezslot_2',191,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-box-3-0');Sharing is caring! Archangels of the First Ray - Archangel Michael and Archeia Faith. I noticed that I typed the world LOVE so many times whilst writing this article, that this article alone can be used as a powerful tool of Spiritual Cleansing and Protection. And the 5-dimensional heart blazes the perfect pure white light. Archangel Chamuels name means He who sees God. Some Twin Flames will not meet for several lifetimes. It is not only selflessness but it is the assertion of the Great God Self with such an all-consuming fiery furnace of manifestation as to consume all unlike love.1. As we progress in our Spiritual Development, we move into the 4-th dimension. He may also send you signs, such as a glimpse of where your items are, and even bring into your line of sight someone who might know something about the location of your lost person or thing. They are both archangels of the seventh ray. I met my twin soul in 2008. I have just come to that conclusion myself! - While living physically on different continents the energy of the other appears to inform my daily action. Archangel Sandalaphon is his twin flame. Enjoy the Monument for a moment and realize that its actually a Gateway to Archangel Chamuels Etheric Retreat the Temple of the Pink-Crystal Flame. If you feel your life becoming stale, you are suffocated and need a breath of fresh air, you long for a change, ask Archangel Chamuel to bless you lovingly with new possibilities and a new open door. If you wonder how this one could love you, in this Earth vehicle, know that they are with you and know everything that you are doing all of the time. Twin Flame relationships are not like other romantic relationships because rather than being based in a desire to merge with the beloved, they are based in a desire to dedicate your life to divine service together with your other soul half. If you feel stress-free or fresh then it means that Angel Chamuels aurora is with you. Archangel Chamuel He who sees God Archeiai/Twin Flame - Charity Love, forgiveness, mercy, adoration, compassion, gratitude, soulmates, life purpose 3rd Ray-Pink Flame Opal is - stone of love and gentleness. The love is strong, as it is with a twin flame. 65 No. Amen.. He is hiding in the hedge and will be back home as soon as he summons his courage (not a lot of that, he is a scaredy cat!). Our children are our joy and blessing, but sometimes they can give us headache and heartache too! Archangel Chamuel wraps his arm around your shoulders and offers you the privilege to get inside him and see the World through his eyes the eyes of the Angel. Take the Crystals (or stones) in your left hand and put them close to your heart. Now imagine travelling to Missouri, the USA, see the city of St. Louis and the great river Mississippi, crossing the city.Image: Depositphotos. This Archangel is another who is not so well known, indeed being barely mentioned in the Bible or other religious scripts. A flower, a cloak, a star, any other item, small or big? For example, you have had for years a gold chain necklace with a little pendant that you love and never take off. Practical Assistance:protection against malice, slander and misunderstanding; inauguration of new friendships and relationships; repairing of damaged relationships; help in getting along with others; help in finding a job; locating lost objects. Love will quietly leave such a relationship. I keep mine in the car. Be Connected. And that helps us bypass the superficial qualities of people and look at them as how they are and how beautiful their soul is. A soul mate is easy to get along with and has the similar interests , such as healing the earth, healing people, healing animals, counsel, green environment, fair trade, humanity, love, joy , peace. To connect with him simply ask him for help and explain your matter. With this, people will be more drawn to you and become more open to you as you are to them. What Archangel Chamuel Wants You To Act Upon. I heard many times people saying that they knew their True Love for ages, but never gave a thought about them. Archangel Chamuel will assign angels to help you in your daily life as if they were your personal staff. Recognize your soulmate through Archangel Chamuel!#twinflame - YouTube Skip navigation Sign in Recognize your soulmate through Archangel Chamuel! Elohim of the Third Ray - Heros and Amora. Beloved Archangel Chamuel, shine this pink light on my heart and soul and every human being so the world is filled with the radiance of love. So it can spread the wings, allowing the current to do the job for it. Cut me free. You ask a lot of questions and normally start researching the Internet, By the way the second sign is seeing pink colour everywhereImage: Depositphotos. This will always remain throughout eternity. He is an Archangel of Love at the end of the day. You can either use prayer or meditation. In their retreat, Chamuel and Charity teach lessons in mercy, compassion, and loving care. Soul mate angels are always willing to help resolve situations within your current relationship if necessary. Or you might just have an overwhelming feeling that everything is going to be okay because archangel chamuel has got it all under control! If you FEEL THREATENED. You see the gold necklace, he sees a lot of dark energy. He has a retreat at the 9th dimensional Luxor Temple in Egypt. One now with the Cosmic Ocean.. I know as well that he has got other things to do to help with the change. Does it not resonant with your vibration? Do such Angels of Money, Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance exist? Archangels of the Fifth Ray - Archangel Raphael and Archeia? In each dream he looked different, like in one, he would be Indian, then something else, but in all of them, I knew he was the same and he was handsome no matter what he looked like. From space, it seems that more and more lights turn on breaking up the grey etheric smog, surrounding our Planet, the bright, Read More Archangel Sachiel, the Angel of Money, Wealth, and SuccessContinue, Do Angels even bother with money? Listen to your heart dear one, listen for the Twin Flame energy of the other. Whatever you situation , know that soul mates and twin flames are loving, and understand each other significantly more than others seem to. Access the Free Lessons of Your Choice Now Archangel Chamuel, whose name means he who seeks God, and his divine complement, Archeia Charity, serve on the third ray of divine love. It is believed that Archangel Chamuel works with Archangel Michael to heal people, deliver messages or communicate divine guidance. No, I dont mean the Angels that are taking on the human body for a very short period of time to fulfil some very important mission and then they are gone, vanished without a trace, you can read a, If you or your children study, the exams can be a stressful time. Archangel Chamuel wont give you back anything riddled with negative. Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Open my heart and my eyes to see Love and attract miracles and blessings, kindness and beauty, lovely surprises and exciting new possibilities into my life. Chamuels role is to provide us with comfort in order for our souls to be open enough for God or Spiritual guidance. The Romance angels are like cherubs, helping you to find the right romantic partner (soul mate ) you are seeking and arranging for the two of you to meet or helping a current relationship rekindle their love. See the bright pink ray of Light, extending from your Crystals far to the Cosmos and Love from the Cosmic Heart, pulsating and streaming down. Shine your light on the path where I will meet my Twin Flame. I asked to whisper into his ear and prompt him, because we were so worried about him. Archangel Chamuel helps us develop new friendships and mend broken ones. He helps you to stay balanced, raises your vibration bringing you back to a place of Love. As he is best known for helping people with their relationships, whether romantic, friendly, or professional relationships, he also helps people nurture healthy relationships with their selves. They could be your Parents, Children, Friends as well. Ask to reunite you with your beloved pet. Pay attention to insight you may receive by asking, either as an inner knowing , a peaceful feeling or message or song, a butterfly or hummingbird (which is a sign that the angels are with you), a vision or an angel voice (which is unmistakable with their loving high vibration) or insight in a dream. Archangels of the Third Ray - Archangel Chamuel and Archeia Charity. He will also show you ways you can connect more deeply with your own spirituality in order to resolve issues related to guilt or shame in a positive way. And thats how youll find your soulmate because you can establish a soulful connection with someone. You can even fulfil your Earth scenario and possibly pick the new one for yourself. If you feel your twin flame has indeed incarnated with you, and if you are single, and would like to meet your twin flame, ask the angels to help you with arranging a meeting between you and your twin flame. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax your muscles. . Meditate on this song, Rose of Light, O Come to increase the love fire in your heart. Chamuel will also help you to have deeply spiritual experiences, seek out the higher realms for answers and see things from a bigger picture perspective. Sometimes our belongings collect negative energy. We are fully aware why we have been living the challenging lives we had before we met and why we are on the path we are on. Twin Flame reunions are hard to come by. elohim! What does he do? Far away from the Spirituality person helps the Spiritual one to remain grounded. Taking a bit LONGER than expected. Whether you call it a stone, a beast, a tree, a man, a demon or the Divine everything is the same energy, manifesting itself in a million different ways.