Most have been well tested via the school of hard fishing knocks endorsed by the anglers who cast them and the redfish that eat them. Trinity Bay and East Bay. From the shape of the spoon, to the angle of the hook, to the amount of flash on the back end; it all factors in to how the spoon sinks, wobbles, and flutters in the water. Post by ellisredfish Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:50 pm. We respect your privacy. Anywhere you can flats-fish for Texas reds, youll find that sensory overload. Excellent numbers of redfish will come out of the woodwork. Redfish fishing tips for fly anglers should include examples of the right gear for the job. The Texas Toad, pictured above, is a good example of one such variation. The bug is copper-colored, traditional bass-bug size, with a stainless hook and a Flashabou tail. Table of Contents show. All rods, reels, tackle, and flies are provided- all you need is a current Texas fishing license, snacks, and polarized sunglasses. I am a South African based fly fisherman who loves nothing more than spending a day on the water. Year-round you can fish redfish, but in the changing season, you also have black drum, sheepshead, sea trout, tarpon, and . Most of them are caught in the marshes and coastal waters, but a few are targeted offshore. The grass beds of South Florida waters (above) attract school-size reds in great numbers. Turkey in the Straw Read about, Both Tarpon and Redfish can haunt the same waters. Boat shoes are great, so you dont slip and slide around on deck. Fish often have trouble tracking their prey in these conditions. This is where the big boys live. Winter Redfish are often larger, especially Bull Redfish, and typically are fished with flies in the 1/0 - 2/0 size range. The water systems in the South are rich in food sources, and this is where the redfish concentrate. The fly hit the water and the redfish inhaled it like it was the best meal it had ever seen. SUMMARY. East Cut Redfish Popper From the shape of the spoon, to the angle of the hook, to the amount of material tied at the bend of the hook; it all factors in to how the spoon sinks, wobbles, and flutters in the water. But, thanks in large part to the Coastal Conservation Association that day is long gone. Its death on redfish, with gold and silver models remarkably effecive. No spam. Its for this style of hunt-and-cast redfishing that guide Ben Alderman (843-906-3630) devised his favorite redfish fly, the Zap-A-Crab. So our guides have begun to compile a collection of our favorite patterns here, for all to see. The Redfish Crack fly, or maybe youve heard of the variations Redfish Cracklin, Redfish Meth or Redfish Ritalin, is another fly with a proven track record. Unless you know the area and own a flats boat, youll need a guide. With diverse locations and ample opportunity, it is a great place to try fly fishing for the first time or the hundredth. 1.4 4. If you cast this in front of a Redfish, allow it to slowly flutter down, and then give it very short small strips, youll be hooked up in no time. If you fish in the marsh and mangroves, dont even think of leaving the house without flies with weed guards! Sign up to get the latest sales, new product updates, fly tying tutorials, and important news! This area is chalked full of bayous and canals, dotted with innumerable lakes, bays, ponds, and . The basic shape of the fly tends to replicate many sources of the Redfishs diet, such as shrimp and crabs, and can be tied in countless color variations to suit all water clarities. With hundreds of creeks, bays and tidal washes that abound in the area, this region is a vast labyrinth of dark-stained tidewater. Crab flies come in two different styles and can be fished two different ways. But this doesnt always mean you will be successful. 3. For deeper redfishing, Sheka includes lead under the chenille or substitutes lead eyes for nylon ones, and he ties it large to be a more visible target, usually with a marabou tail that absorbs water to help it get down. No matter if you are chasing them in the muddy mangroves or off a pier amongst some weed banks, if you find the fish feeding, you should be able to hook one. Wading the surf with a fly rod ranks right near the top of most peoples list of favorite things to do, and the only guidance youll need can come from a quick visit to a local fly shop. But many cutting-edge anglers are using flies that are constantly being tested by the ever-growing numbers of fly-rod redfishermen. Suppose you arent accustomed to casting the heavier rods its best to practice on the grass and get more confident. Microscopic Monsters of the Ocean: King Mackerel, Protect the Blue Key West: Remote Control. Clouser Minnow needs no introductions or explanations! The weed guard is essential to the success of the fly. Is this getting you excited? Copyright 2023 Sport Fishing Magazine. Fiddler crabs, shrimp, and baitfish are on the menu, so its essential to have flies that imitate them. Crab flies are deadly for targeting Redfish (and Sheepshead) in the Gulf Coast region. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Ive almost been tempted to tie some very small ones for trout. As you move south and west to the Venice and Grand Isle areas of Louisiana, the fishing changes a bit. Surrounded by the crystal clear waters of Copano and Aransas Bays, and nearby San Antonio and Matagora Bays, Rockport, TX is our home and base of operations. This pattern performs extremely well in murkier waters or on overcast days, and just like any other fly the spoon has many variants that can cater to any situation. I bump up to a 5- to 6-inch mostly synthetic yet very puffy white fly for the big bull reds. The full recipe for Redfish on the Half-Shell can be found here. Because reds often cruise in murky water, anglers must throw a big enough fly for them to see. Texas Red Fish Adventures. By the time you're done reading this, you'll be ready to head to Texas to . The body profile and hook riding upwards make it deadly. No more sweat-soaked shirts the first hour into poling and smelling like a gym locker by the end of the day. Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | About | Contact | The Team | Advertise with Guide Recommended, Disclosure: "This site is owned and operated by River Traditions LLC, a limited liability company headquartered in Michigan, USA. March 24 - 2023 Texoma Ducks Unlimited Spring Event at the Mayor Arena of Loy Lake Park. For targeting bulls over 20 pounds, a 10-weight works best and handles the bigger flies those fish prefer. You need to ensure to scan the course with your eyes, particularly when fishing in shallow waters. The fly is only available in one size, but colors are almost limitless. The great thing about redfish patterns is, for the most part, they are pretty darn simple fly and easy to tie. The best is to get the fish to see the fly, and you will generally hook them. When retrieved with quick short strips it closely resembles a fleeing shrimp and the head pulses with bite-enticing movement. The redfish game is simple. Most of the fish weigh less than 15pounds, but every so often youll find a school of 20-pounders. Offshore, in the surf, or next to deep channels are the ideal locations to use this fly. 100% of our funding comes from your gear purchases, so if this blog post helps you on your next fly fishing adventure, please support us by buying your gear from us. Possibly the most unique redfish destination is Mosquito Lagoon in east central Florida. The fishing is good, but different, and the type of fly required to dupe reds is different too. Fly Tyer Magazine, "Guide Flies for Louisiana Redfish", Spring 2016 "Texas Redfish", Patagonia Blog, 2015. Sometimes the bite is on and game fish will aggressively smack anything thats thrown in front of them. Most are designed to have the perfect amount of weight to slowly flutter down to the bottom and not rapidly sink into the weeds where fish cant see it. Marsh grasses remain a favorite destination for anglers hoping to hook reds. Like Charleston, certain parts in the South have what we call a flood tide. The lagoon runs from the southern tip of New Smyrna Beach to the north end of Merritt Island and encompasses more than 21,000 acres of shallow, clear flats with less than a foot of tidal flow. The Chornobyl Crab is similar to the Ragin' Craven, with a deer hair body that traps air bubbles and makes a commotion in the water. The tackle. Dustin's Destroyer, Chartreuse and White. It would be great to book a fishing charter to fish for redfish. If you cant get the fly to the fish, you wont catch any, period. Starting at $6.16. The redfish run from average, 4 to 7 pounds, to big, 12 to 15 pounds. My idea of a nice red was a 7-pounder in Floridas Everglades National Park. My hands shook. Normally, youll scout reds in less than 2 feet of water by looking for wakes, tails and bodies. Gjuro Bruer, maneuvered his skiff into casting range, and I managed to place one of my best redfish flies just a few feet ahead of this thing, which looked like a giant koi. All the way from Florida to Texas anglers and tyers are hard at work designing patterns to fool redfish. This is my summer flats first choice in the colors closet to the mullet in your areatans and beige with whites and black markings. They tolerate a wide range of water temperatures and salinities, and eat everything from crustaceans and mollusks to baitfish. The Merkin Crab is widely considered the most effective Permit fly ever conceived. Here in North Florida, this is usually in mid to late spring. Reds there are primarily crab eaters, especially little oyster crabs and fiddler crabs, and the Turkey in the Straw is dead ringer for a little crab. My guide, Capt. Seriously, it is less than 25 minute's total prep time! A Bonnier LLC Company. with Rick Hartman. I had never seen a tail that big or that color. We are not a blog or a review site. Retrieve this fly with steady, slow strips and it will mimic the movement of a fleeing crab. But if youre targeting Redfish here along the Gulf Coast, usually over grass flats and skinny water, you want a lighter weight fly with a little more bulk so that it will slowly flutter down to the bottom and not rapidly sink into the grass where fish cant see it. Get the latest up to date fly fishing report for Redfish, sea trout, tarpon, mackeral jack crevalle fishing in Gulf Coast with the top producing flies and recommended equipment to get you into fish. The best colors are chartreuse and pink chenille, and I will fish this pattern if nothing else is working. The most common color is reddish-bronze. Most times, anglers fish shallow water thats clear enough to spot a 30-pound red, but it can quickly become quite murky after a cold front. Redfish can be found all along the coast, stretching from Texas, around the Gulf to Florida, and up the Atlantic to parts of the Northeast, preferring water temperatures between 65-85 degrees. Stretching 367 miles from the Sabine River at the Louisiana border to the Rio Grande on the Mexican border, the Texas coast is a varied and unique fishery that is relatively unnoticed on the national level. . It also helped a bit that the first cast I made with a Spoonfly hooked a fish. Working that fly to get the eat, fighting well, and then gently releasing the fish after a few photos is what its all about. Creating high quality flies made for those that live and breathe the shallow flats and backwater marshes is our main focus. All of these flies are absolutely deadly for Redfish and big Trout up on the flats. Add the sizes you fish most often too. Many anglers prefer an 8-weight fly rod for smaller redfish, but I usually throw big bushy redfish flies. In weedy water, the Sheka is tied with a monofilament-loop weed guard. And Id bet striped bass and salmon would go bonkers for em too. Sight cast to schools of tailing redfish in ankle-deep, gin-clear water. Sign up for our Newsletter, a monthly dose of new ideas and exclusive deals on great gear, sent directly to your inbox. The flashing and the low frequency vibration sounds it emits when being stripped excels in murkier waters. The olive and brown combo is my favorite on a size #1 hook. Anglers who dont know the areas can find a lot of trouble very quickly, but the fishing is amazing. My favorite colors are blue over white and chartreuse over white. Its time Florida starts similar program.Snook Dupre Spoon Fly is one of those debatable patterns that some purists argue isnt a fly but more a lure. When you want a good all-around fly that will catch any game fish you can see, tie on one of the most well-known saltwater flies, the Kwan fly. . We have a lot of folks ask us about the flies we are using while fly fishing the flats in Rockport and the surrounding area. Truthfully, there are a lot of different redfish fly patterns that all work well. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The Lower Laguna Madre is one of the finest spots to fly fish for red fish (red drum), black drum, speckled trout, flounder, tarpon, snook, sheepshead, and ladyfish. Boats leave from dozens of ports, and the runs to the flats can take anywhere from a few minutes to over an hour. Chasing Redfish Off the South Texas Gulf Coast. I use large, black bead eyes most of the time, but always tie some flies with lead eyes for deeper water. Getting the fly to drop deep gains more bites. Mens and womens redfish fly records top out with the 43-pounder caught by Greg Braunstein on 16-pound tippet in 1995 out of the Banana River Lagoon in Florida. It has a large head that pushes water and the head to tail contrast makes it highly visible and attractive to fish. Use Light Flies and Long Leaders. Its all sight fishing from small kayaks, canoes and flats skiffs, and the fish go crazy for popping bugs, according to Wesley Parks, avid fly rodder and manager of McCoy Outdoors Fly Shop (334-432-3006) in nearby Mobile. This is a great fly for shallow water and smaller fish that aren't looking for a huge meal. Kwan is the fly to have for those quiet, cold winter days on the water. The fly is tied to look like a gaudy shrimp, which is something to keep in mind when viewing it. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Weed guards are beneficial when targeting reds in shallow and marshy water. Find out where the action is, what the water conditions are and everything you need for a successful day on the water! Fly fishing in Texas doesn't get the credit it deserves, and we're here to change that. Ten of the other 14 fly-tippet-class records came from Louisiana. This gives the Redfish a feeding zone they cant get on other occasions. The fly has a monofilament weed guard and burnt-mono eyes. Traditionally it's tied with two splayed hackles in the rear that act as claws, paired up with a wide profile body made of EP fibers intertwined with silicone legs that is shaped to match the natural profile of a crab, and topped off with some lead eyes to get it down to the bottom quick. So, get out there and get your rod bent, line stretched, and net wet. These trips are great for 1-2 anglers of all skill levels. Youll find good numbers of 18- to 27-inch fish. For small redfish, we suggest that you use a #2, #1, or a 1/0 circle hook. The Redfish Crack fly is a proven and very successful fly increasing in popularity in the Texas and Louisiana fisheries. But because tides run so strong, flats fishing can be difficult, more difficult than that found elsewhere in the Southeast, even in areas as close as Florida and South Carolina. At the eye a few turns of crystal-red chenille are wound on to produce a head. What makes the fly different from other crab and glue-body designs, however, is that its extremely weedless. Sarah Gardner, out of Nags Head on the Outer Banks, actually target them. If your interested in having true experts teach how to chase reds get ahold of INDIGO GUIDE SERVICE. It is a mix of a number of different patterns and works great as a shrimp, crab or even a baitfish. Image hooking into a red weighting over 50lbs. There are literally thousands of flies out there that imitate the crabs, shrimp, and baitfish that make up the diet of a Redfish on the shallow flats and backwater marshes. 1. Longtime Georgia fly-fishing guide Larry Kennedy, owner of Bedford Sportsman Fly Shop (912-638-5454) on St. Simons Island, says that while a number of different flies work for Georgia redfish, his favorite is a small, all-black classic Wooly Bugger streamer. These anglers are chasing red drum, the target of choice for a growing legion of fly anglers, thanks to the fact that there are more red drum in the South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico waters today than weve seen in years. We use giant Clouser flies teamed with super-fast-sinking fly lines that range from 450 to 700 grains. Some of the most consistent saltwater fly fishing available today can be found on the grass flats of any number of states in the Southeast, where anglers by the thousands search every day for telltale tails rising above the surface. Both styles are highly effective when fished properly under the right conditions. Its a pretty basic fly, with a small head and burnt nylon eyes. In addition, the predominant species you might encounter in Texas Saltwater Fly Fishing is the red [fish] and black drum. It flashes and dances so well that its easy to spot even 100 feet out in thick grass and cattails. This Louisiana classic is an easy and delicious way to serve redfish. This is the story behind the action in Marjie's words: "In August 2014, I was taking photos of Ospreys in flight at the . SWS Planner: Texas Gulf Coast Redfish Action. Gene Montgomery (334-478-7440) is a Mobile, Alabama, high-school teacher with a passion for fly fishing. The setup you choose to use depends entirely on your ability as a fly fisher. For large redfish, you will want to employ a 3/0, 4/0, or 5/0 circle hook. You still must put the fly in the right place, but you definitely need a 10-weight rod and a really big fly. The Clouser is a classic saltwater pattern for a variety of species, and for good reason. Almost any fly that imitates such forage works well. Parks fishes the vast marshes around the town of Chalmette, Louisiana and uses a couple of poppers he says redfish go absolutely bonkers over. With that said, I will break down my favorite redfish flies and explain why and when I fish them. It's one . It's an extremely beautiful river filled with large and catchable bass. Similar to the Clouser Minnow, this is a bright baitfish pattern that sinks quickly and stays deep. Those are the good days. Tie it on a 1/0 hook and use bead eyes, even though its a shallow-water fly. Seven hot flies for chasing red drum throughout the coastal south. Read -> What is the Biggest Redfish Caught. Fly Fishing the texas coast. Additional tail materials can consist of marabou, bucktail, calf tail or Krystal Flash. In fall and winter, the Biloxi Marsh comes alive for fly anglers targeting big bull reds that cruise the ponds and channels. While it was initially intended to target Redfish, it does equally as well for large Speckled Trout up on the flats. Low summer tides mean baitfish being flushed into the shallows and the reds having a field day. Fools Gold Fly - a favorite for Redfish. With flat boats, casting can be done within 50 feet. Many products featured on this site were editorially chosen. When redfish are tailing on the flats and are cruising super skinny, placing a popper or streamer quietly in its path may be the only way to catch them. For targeting bulls over 20pounds, a 10-weight works best and handles the bigger flies those fish prefer. When: Summer and fall; Who: The following guides specialize in Texas redfishing: Middle Texas Coast: Capt. Crab flies mainly fall into two different categories and can be fished a few different ways. It's not uncommon to see Reds tailing in shallow water and some would consider sight casting to a 30+lb Bull Redfish the pinnacle of the sport. Launch - Louis's Bait Camp 3510 Texas 6 / Hitchcock, TX 77563 / (409) 935-9050. I think the craft fur body profile moves so well and has all the triggers. I like tans, greens, and lighter colors. Often, you'll need flat, calm conditions to consistently see fish. Gold Frizzy We spent 3 days exploring the area in search of Redfish. The angel hairs hollow body gives bulk, and the bucktail and long hackle feathers give the tail lovely movement. Many anglers prefer an 8-weight fly rod for smaller redfish, but I usually throw big bushy redfish flies. With excellent year-round populations of Redfish, Speckled Trout and Black Drum. Redfish are opportunistic feeders and often forage in shallow mudflats with their noses stuck to the bottom, where they mainly feed on crustaceans. Use larger hook sizes in Fall and Winter months as you prepare to hunt down larger redfish game. They typically have heavy amounts of weight and little bulk to get the fly down to the sandy bottom fast. Redfish Backstory Back in the 1970s, red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus (aka redfish, reds, or puppy drum) were rare as rocking horse teeth due to unsustainable harvests. Keep flies with bead eyes and lead eyes available. The fools gold pattern is ideal for this as it sinks fast and has excellent movement in the water. This stunning shot was taken by professional photograher Marjie Goldberg from Florida. Most gurglers are built with a foam body with an aggressive front head and have a marabou, buck tail, or synthetic fiber tail. Sight fishing with a fly on the coast is one the most challenging types of fishing. Dure wont divulge exactly how he molds epoxy into just the right shape to produce a replica wobble of the Johnson spoon. That means using stout tackle for casting: Try a 9-weight for fish to 20 pounds and a 10-weight for heavier bulls. . It is hand-tied by Jim Dupre and finished with an epoxy coating, making it bulletproof. Back in November, I made it down to the Texas Coast for a DIY saltwater trip with my buddy, Bryant. These fish, without a doubt, make for an incredibly memorable fly fishing trip. Most gurglers are built with a foam body with an aggressive front head and have a marabou, buck tail, or craft fur tail. Sometimes, they can be a bit more technical. The Kwan fly is a great shrimp imitation as well. As you approach the Mississippi and Louisiana Gulf coasts, all that changes. Best of all, redfish love it. Here is a list of the best nine places to fly fish in Texas: 1. . Much like other flies designed for the flats, it lands soft and quiet, sinks slow, and when tied with a weed guard can be used in the skinniest of water. To find out more about the regulations for the reservoirs call (210) 635-8289 or visit the TPWD website Luckily, for coastal anglers in Virginia all the way to the southern tip of Texas, redfish, also commonly referred to as red drum, can be successfully targeted with a fly rod via kayak or stand-up paddle . He used Gartside's Super-Secret Stuff as a flash material but here we will use Hareline's Ice Wing Fiber as a substitute. With all the grass around, a weed guard is a must to be in with a shot at hooking a Red. Just deals and news! The marsh features a series of shallow ponds connected by channels, all of which come lined with even shallower oyster bars and mud flats. When the cork pops in the water it creates a slurping sound, and this gets the fish interested. While it was initially intended to target Redfish, it does equally as well for large Speckled Trout up on the flats. Its simple design and ease to fish are what I love about it. Follow up question to types of flies for redfish - I am in the process of converting from conventional setups to fly fishing and am doing so on my own - w/o a friend to show me the ropes. Youll also want it to resemble a juvenile blue crab thats highly prevalent in the region, including a tan-colored textured shell body and bright orange claw tips. Much of the action is found around spartina grass marsh, where reds forage for crab when the tide is high. Candy Corn Crawler is a great choice when targeting redfish. He ties several versions of it, making it suitable for redfish in a wide variety of waters and angling conditions. Do some research beforehand by asking local experts and guides which flies are likely . From the gulf coast of Texas to Virginia, redfish can be found along nearly 2000 miles worth of coastline. Thats when Alderman became a believer in rattling redfish flies.