SCORPIO 17 Interesting note: Marc Benioff who runs Salesforce, the largest tech company in SF, has his natal Saturn (Rx) at 29º 28. Naive and gullible, you are suspended, quiet, receptive, and lacking in discernment. Please hover over or click the highlighted areas for further information. Taking sides, even inventing them, you are impelled by the polarized consciousness to be so fiercely partisan that the destructive overwhelms the constructive. The self cannot be articulated because it is far too busily pressed out into emergency mobilization twenty-four hours a day. Acts of God. The one that prevails will likely be the one most surrendered to the absolute, the most rightful. #hotspot-44745 .hotspots-placeholder, Ecstatic release in being able to catch the spark as it flies. You are always able to take anything further, to follow things out beyond boundaries and limits.

Wild flowers growing around the ruins of a temple. An American Indian woman in a canoe. Because this is the way it is, there is nobody else to do it, and when you bear a thin thread from ancient to future, that thread determines everything and claims your allegiance down to your toes. You are forced to confront yourself everywhere. The tortuous journey of stepping away from gifts and wonders until you can be light and free with them. A star turning many different colors. But most of all, you must vanquish your pride and acknowledge from the core of your being that going through this world without your deep soul intact is hell. ARIES 15 Under duress, personal and collective. LIBRA 26 Integration and synthesis. Supercharged with energy. If only you could control it, manipulate it, relativize it. The most basic and elemental things turn into the instantaneous invocation of the miracle of existence. Classical Maya civilization reenacted in fresh forms. Creating your own troubles, cleaning up after yourself. Objectively, impersonally, dispassionately deciding and choosing and following this up with a way of life. The refinements and elaborations are infinite in scope. GEMINI 19 Instead, magnetized to the wild and the free and whatever has yet to become tainted by civilization. .featherlight .featherlight-content.lightbox-44745 { Pushing yourself to learn how to operate within a contemporary world that is alien, at a loss. For most house systems, in other words, one house ≠ one sign (one house does not equal one sign). Capricorn  Devoid of substance, virtually pure image. Men doing gymnastics.

Yet being stalwartly resistant to getting the message that when you persist in polarizing your world between the absolute ideal and the abysmal norm, you tear apart your world and your being. Tricks within tricks. Senza categoria ; Tags . You feel close to the ground, basic, and foundational.

#hotspot-36575 .hotspot-default.hotspot-active { Hunter Hayes Only Human,


Even when they are, the houses typically don’t begin at zero degrees of a sign. The self, entirely conscious of its own territorial rights and privileges, exerts a presence, a force. A spring festival.

I think of the karmic degree as an opportunity and often a blessing in disguise.

Deposited in the jungle, the pit, the open sewer; exposed mercilessly to the worst chaos, multiplicity, and darkness the world has to offer. Yet something is wrong. A man with green skin. This other self has lost everything, but has found its way to be here at last, on the inside of the world, ready for anything, no preferences, nothing to accomplish, nowhere really to go--just here, in the fiber of existence, home free. Attractions and repulsions, convictions, beliefs, antipathies, and judgements. As the uproar happens the deep observer looks on at the role the self is playing, which is so incongruous to who one is truly. This puts the little self sharply on the spot, for everything is heightened, especially including the dramatic power of distortions and negations. You are guided to follow an extraordinary course through the world, which features the perfect opportunities to tap what is inside in so many different ways. heart is cut out, the human element is eliminated. A leavening agent. This calls for a ripening and deepening to be fulfilled.

Serene, focused, and unsentimental. You have the gift of getting across new ways of being, different ways of looking at things.

The Duel Marisol Explained, I receive frequent emails about this type of issue. You are being propelled by a greater destiny-current to honor all karmic agreements, and to enhance these by bringing into play a vitally engaged present-time attentive willingness to be surprised, meet things from another side, and realize that everything is just beginning now and needs to be met with real passion.

This will tend to be where things are just beginning or alive with future fertilities. Learn to harness embodied selfhood into something more constant and satisfying, even with repeated bouts of coming up against resistance, and habit dying hard. Fortune and synchronicity. CANCER 9

Pursuing what is desired and nothing else. A certain habit of going back to the beginning. For you are being pulled through the collective nightmare by an immense evolutionary force, and that means feeling everything, experiencing all of it, and letting everything go. TAURUS 1 Guided from within to stay entirely secluded and solitary in your inner life, yet transmuting your solemnities into accessible bits and pieces in all familiar contexts.

Sleeper awake! PISCES 24

Strong, focused intent to create and stay with your own world within the world. But if you start to have preferences for some of them over the others, they will compete and clamor and generate dissonance. But if the heart is not in it, work becomes mechanical. It is quite a journey, with one great thing going for yourself. Particularly the ruler of your corresponding decan influences your entire life. The highest and the best, maintained and sustained beautifully, impeccably, superlatively. Each detail is highlighted, mentally known to be right where it belongs. It is not possible to tune out what lives within. Experiencing for yourself the wisdom of the ages, proving it out afresh by experimentation and open discovery. #hotspot-36575 .hotspots-placeholder, First question though, I have Ceres in Pisces at 29.27 degrees, could someone explain that for me because I've read somewhere that it is a bad degree to have, or it takes over the next sign. Leo  

A very sharp edge to events, with so much riding on seeing through your own folly, and freeing up the life-force to respond to the greater worlds with a tug and a sign that there is somebody home after all. There is time. A fabulous array of distortions become possible, including hiding from yourself everywhere in opposites and reversals. Therefore your knowingness is advanced, yet your performance is as a novice. Breaking down power and control structures. Born ready, shot from a cannon, one of a kind--volatile in the far extreme. Everything happening in a magnified and hypnotic atmosphere. Always self-critical.

Hoping for the best. VIRGO 27

But meanwhile bending over backwards to frame everything in normalcy. Bedazzled by the lights, intoxicated with the display, amazed and stunned by the spectacle. Claiming the allegiance of those whose wildness is no passing whim, but the only viable way. At first the naive confidence in the mental powers, and in your own ability to know what everyone needs to know and do what everyone needs to do. Nothing is meant to be straightforward here. Showing what we all can do, and insisting that it is simple. You can go as far as you are motivated to, no limits. When there is brightness and bounty as far as the eye can see, the inner self knows they are welcome to embody here.

fill: #c26594; Fusing together components that do not match. Toughened, seasoned, tempered under duress. Building up fresh capacity in this lifetime to scale the heights. It is only by blending what has previously been polarized that you can begin to make your way. And somehow, slowly and gradually, despite yourself, you are being hurtled toward an abyss that you cannot avoid--to cross over the abyss, to uproot physically, energetically, and emotionally your claim against yourself, your self-negation. A perfect arrangement for very special fosterings and streams. Somewhat swept away with the whole enterprise, where the mere linear intelligence takes charge and views everything on its terms. Prone to multiple weaknesses. You feel especially keen to taste and feel what needs to happen, what wants to arise, tapping the pulse of the times and speaking for all of those who stay tuned in for further developments. And so you dramatize karmically over and again the preprogrammed sequence of bringing out inward treasures and finding them spat upon or being given no room to let it out. GEMINI 29 Also, 11 degrees Virgo-Pisces are important.

My wife Sara read an image to me and I interpreted it within a context of attunement to a guiding light, a power of seeing beyond the personal intellect altogether. background: #f1ffe4; 9tsu Japanese Tv, A man talking in his sleep. Susceptible to personality distortions, particularly in interpersonal dynamics, you are not very discerning or disciplined in the shared field of energy and consciousness. A potter at work. Placed strategically in the molten core of world dilemma to remember how to get it right. And paradoxically, in order to forge such a deepening of life-will, you must endanger yourself and expose yourself to radical crises, in order to rally to your own side and come into your truth in the midst of cutting through your falsehood; thus reclaiming the primal ground of a form of selfhood that is mutational, wildly improbable, and just could be real after all. Yahoo is part of Verizon Media. When her body died, her spirit flew free, and started a path of work with me and with our perfect companion Alita that will be going on for a very long time to come, in an ever-unfolding path of dying and reborning. Made to look and act the part superbly. Singularly devoid of self-drive. It must be resumed, taken further, no matter what. You feel compelled by your vantage point to apply a fierce ideology to every manifest particular. You get around your own paranoid system by subtle and subliminal means, eroding the ego base and bringing yourself through a humiliating stage. ARIES 12 Enthusiastic, naive, and impressionable. The rage-to-be, coming up against every inhibiting factor that could possibly be drawn in. Called upon to uphold the truth and knowing it. Decadence, barbarian tendencies. 20 to 29 degrees- This decanate corresponds to the spiritual aspects of a person. When you place a spiritual/cosmic perspective upon every single little thing that happens, you will either overshoot the mark or discover perfect meaning. Big things become off screen, too demanding and formidable, oppressive.

background: #f1ffe4; Intensively held to ancient faculties. The 30 degrees alloted for each zodiac house can be divided into three groups of ten degrees each as 0 to 9 deg, 10 to 19 deg and 20 to 29 deg. Virtually spun out to infinity by what it all means. A verge in destiny where the innermost soul is revealing its true colors in a magical display. SCORPIO 7 A man amuses himself by drawing strange shapes. Candor, stark naked honesty. A hummingbird feeding at a trumpet vine. In astrology, there’s an idea concerning the degrees of the planets manifesting at a particular age. Stuck in anomalies.

While you wait here with individuality suspended and all of life being right at hand, the most remarkable discoveries can take place. Insisting upon the vertical aspect in all things.