The foursome retreated into the tunnel system of the city, where they would await the arrival of reinforcements in the form of General Iroh and his United Forces. Mako stated to Bolin that in order to survive in Republic City, one had to "hustle or be hustled". Posing as a thief, he ran toward the woman from behind and grabbed her purse, before leaving her sight by entering a side alley. Due to Hiroshi's sacrifice, Mako was able to make it inside Kuvira's enormous mecha suit together with Korra, Bolin, Lin, and Suyin.

The team started to train hard for the Pro-bending Championship, and although they had some hard matches due to internal romantic struggles,[17] they managed to reach the finale.

Asami refused to let Kuvira out of confinement during the attack, and though Mako managed to overpower the Earth Empire soldiers with firebending, he was overpowered and was kidnapped along with Asami, Mako and Kuvira. After saving Tenzin and his children, Korra and Mako attempted to flee but they were caught by Amon's Bending. Mako agreed with that assessment and used it as reasoning to take Toza's offer for a chance at a more honest life. The group searched everywhere in the building, but had no success, and left as they were mocked by Jargala. When the Triple Threats retreated with their wounded leader after the dragon eel spirit had deformed him, Mako was stunned to silence upon witnessing Korra kissing Asami. In the chaotic aftermath of Kuvira's failed invasion, Mako, despite his injury, returned to duty as a detective in Lin's triad task force, where he was partnered with Bolin, much to his displeasure. [5][6] During production of the second season, wherein Mako becomes an officer in Republic City, the design for his police uniform went through several concepts before its final design was settled on, all of which having his trademark red scarf tucked into his jacket. Mako is always ready to deliver astounding results when the situation calls for it. [50] At the estate, Mako taught Wu some self-defense moves while catching the royal up to his history with Korra and Asami.[6]. Cannon felt that the two brothers had the best chemistry on The Legend of Korra. Inside were some bodyguards, who were only just regaining consciousness. [32] After Kuvira's army arrived in Republic City, Mako took part in a plan to stop the large robot: the benders would relentlessly attack the robot to distract Kuvira while two hummingbird mecha suits would make an incision in the machine. [22] When restrained by Amon's bloodbending, he was able to maintain enough focus and calmness of mind to generate lightning and score a direct hit against the Equalist leader. Mako questioned why they had not contacted the police since he had been missing, and they responded that Wonyong did not like the police being involved in his private affairs. Due to maintaining a more distanced view on the brewing conflict between the Water Tribes, Mako soon found himself having relationship troubles with Korra and after he revealed her plans to ask the United Forces fleet for help behind President Raiko's back to the president, they broke up.[27]. This fight is a fan favorite because it showed how Bolin and Mako defeated Benders … Political information Bolin remembered how, when they were kids, the Triple Threats had used them to move messages between Triad members, and remarked that maybe Tokuga was doing the same thing. Nonetheless, Bolin turned away to give his brother some time to "process", much to his annoyance.[57].

Arriving, Mako sought out and challenged Tokuga, attacking him with his firebending in an attempt to arrest him. [54] He has also displayed considerable agility, capable of both jumping long distances and performing flips,[41] proving himself difficult to hit at a distance. Due to this connection, Future Industries took care of the Fire Ferrets' monetary issues by sponsoring the team. However, he was stopped by Amon and was on the verge of losing his bending, when Korra saved him with her newly unlocked airbending. [16] When Bolin was kidnapped some time later, Mako set out with Korra to find him. Mako always wore his signature red scarf that was once his father's, who was murdered along with his mother when he was a boy. They were eventually freed by Zaheer himself, however, as he needed them to relay a message to Korra. Mako and Bolin are the sons of an Earth Kingdom father and a Fire Nation mother. After discovering he'd been abducted by Equalists, they searched for the location where Amon planned his big reveal. They tracked the earthbender down to an abandoned warehouse, where they witnessed, first hand, Amon's ability to strip a bender of their bending abilities.