Extensive mange and pruritus can occur when mite numbers reach into the thousands. Numerous rather mobile ear mites were observed at necropsy in the basal part of the left ear canal. The cattle ear mite, Raillietia auris, infests dairy and beef cattle in the US but is relatively harmless. These nodules can rupture and produce sores; skin damage from these sores can lead to defects in raw leather and economic losses in the tanning industry.

Ear mites were directly observed in 12 of the animals while 19 others showed signs of infestation consisting of ulceration and blockage of the auditory canal by a thick plug of pus. Chronic infestations can lead to anemia and weight loss and extreme cases can be fatal. Mites have been found to be the intermediate host of tapeworms that infest domestic animals such as cattle, sheep and goats. [Infestation of a cattle herd with the ear mite Raillieta auris (Acarina, Mesostigmata)]. It is now commonly used by a number of veterinarians in the U.S. for the treatment of ear mites in cats and dogs. ... You can get Ivermectin packaged for goats or cattle at your local horse feed store. Krametter-Froetscher R, Leschnik M, Hoegler S, Loewenstein M, Baumgartner W. Vet J. NIH The chicken mite causes papules on any part of the bird. The goat follicle mite, Demodex caprae, leads to the development of dermal papules and nodules on the face, neck, axillary region, or udder. These are considered federally reportable diseases in cattle throughout the US and chorioptic mites are reportable in some states. Detecting mites and burrows in infected animals is very difficult; infection is determined by the clinical signs. There are many types of problems that these can cause, such as; temporary irritation of the skin due to bites, persistent dermatitis due to mites invading skin or hair follicles, mite-induced allergies, transmission of pathogenic microbial agents, intermediate host of tapeworms, invading respiratory passages, ear canals and internal organs, fear of mites called acarophobia, or delusory acariosis, convinced infestation of oneself by mites when none are present. Most cattle and sheep that are infested do no show symptoms and become silent carriers to other animals. To prevent an infestation, the following practices should be followed:  be cautious when purchasing or boarding new animals, avoid an animal showing visible skin lesions or itchiness, isolate new acquired animals from the rest of the herd for several weeks, in feedlot operations treat all new animals with chemical when brought in, clean stalls between animals and put in new bedding, disinfect grooming tools and other instruments that are used on animals, keep animals healthy and well nourished, if any signs of itchiness or lesions develop call a veterinarian right away to check the herd. The chorioptic scab mites, Chorioptes bovis which infest cattle, occur primarily on the legs and feet of the host. Forty-seven cattle from 8 separate herds in southeastern Kansas were examined for ear mites (Raillietia auris). Mites are closely related to ticks, they have two body segments, four legs as nymphs and adults and three legs as larvae. Find NCBI SARS-CoV-2 literature, sequence, and clinical content: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sars-cov-2/. 2004 Feb;51(1):1-7. doi: 10.1046/j.1439-0450.2003.00719.x. Preparation for TDA Pesticide Applicator License Training, College of Veterinary Medicine (cooperative with AgriLife Extension & Research), Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory. These mites can cause blockage of the auditory canal with paste-like wax plugs. Infestations must be reported immediately and chemicals and methods for application have regulations that must be followed in order to be used.  |  The chorioptic scab mite causes irritation in sensitive animals and can lead to feet stamping, rubbing and chewing of the legs, and other self-inflicted injury. Epub 2004 Nov 24. Young animals are more susceptible than older animals to the tapeworms. Animals Attacked: Most vertebrates and humans. Click the image for helpful information regarding Zika Virus. The sheep scab mites cause lesions on major portions of the body leading to extensive wool loss and weight loss; extreme cases lead to death of sheep. Infested sheep become restless and will bite or rub the affected area; this will damage the skin and the wool. Eggs are deposited externally or can be retained within the female.  |  We describe here the first documented case in Austria of the cattle ear mite Raillietia auris in a four-year-old dairy cow.

Mites can also cause irritation when they bite. These mites can cause blockage of the auditory canal with paste-like wax plugs. Treat Ear Mites In our opinion, Ivomec® (Ivermectin) is the most effective treatment to date. Cattle and horses do not experience significant health problems but sheep do have adverse affects. Cattle can develop dermatitis and hair loss that is similar to that of sheep. 1991;133(8):383-7.

The chicken mite, Dermanyssus gallinae, causes dermatitis in avian hosts and domestic mammals (horses, dogs, cats, cattle, rodents, rabbits and others).

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tvjl.2004.09.014. The goat follicle mite can infest young and pregnant does and dairy goats causing caprine demodicosis.