You know AE in the HRE is insane, so how did you go about wiping them off? It's better than doing so later just to avoid losing.

Local autonomy affects trade power only half as much as it does other values. New World: Get all the trade funneled to Caribbean, keep as much as you can. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Entirely possible to do this by 1470. France- while they have no CCR their ideas a godly. Then I got bored. Simply put, Kazan isn't that easy to get off the ground. Love how the one time Poland allies Muscovy is when I try this, muscovy just comes slam me with 40k+ troops when i go straight for moskv, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The transition phase is probably the trickiest part of the game, because you are balancing different priorities. - You can now vassalize Novgorod and claim back his cores from Denmark/Muscovy. Take the half price level 2 diplo rep guy. You can form Timurids, and then form Mughals (which have the insane cultural assimilation mechanic), which give you some AMAZING missions. The sooner you get advanced CBs, the sooner the brakes come off. Transoxiana have some cores on Uzbek that we can get back before integrating them. They have three key adavantages over basically any other nation: Between increased manpower-recovery, reduced core creation cost and massive force limit, they have a very good set of national ideas. You may eventually scrap it for something that contributes more to the endgame. Also, if you're not playing on Ironman, do whatever you want. This was a very relaxing game.

- If Gazizmukh or Circassia have no allies, annex both of them as well. Fine, do it for your first time. If you take religious early, you may still be able to take humanist late. To be fair, focusing hard enough is a challenge in itself. But if played correctly they are the easiest world conquest since it only requires you to understand proper management of wars. Because the strategies, risks, opportunities and pit falls of playing any nation in the shogunate are very similar, this guide not only aims to be valid for any nation in the shogunate, the different parts of playing in the area have overlapping relevance regardless of which side the player is on, therefore it is recommended to be read in its entirety. They are one of the most powerful nations at the start. - The most important thing to do is to take Moskva as part of the peace deal, this will force his capital to move to Murom, where he will not upgrade it and it will be a Level 1 Fort which means your next fight will probably be extremely easy. Jianzhou/Manchu: Would be the best nation if it wasn't in Asia, which means no Trade Companies. Novgorod and Sweden are vassals, note the Mingsplosion. Before detailing each phase, let's understand why this is the most helpful way to divide the game. Improve relations with Ottomans. Thank you. I think AE reduction caps at -90%.). Sometimes this is a result of wars dragging on or overly frequent truce breaks and no CB wars. Vassals- Give the conquered land to your vassals. Most nations that would get a lot of use from econ will also want religious. Early, tax and gold income usually contribute the most; late game, trade income will dominate, and usually production will surpass taxes. For most nations, you will want to trigger the court and country disaster as soon as possible, resolving it successfully to gain the +20 max absolutism. Keep them close. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. 90%+ of your development will be acquired after 1600. AI gets only a little angry at you, you can take big chunks of land quick and you have an ally in your wars. My first world conquest without cheats / rerolls / abusing game mechanics / exploits etc. - Muscovy is likely to send troops to siege your provinces, which dramatically reduces your warscore. Bashgird doesn't even exist anymore today, but for the first 150 years of your Kazan life, Bashgird is the centre of your entire empire. This requires more skill then #1 and #2, because you actually need to play the game and wage war/conquer, but with their extremely strong Ideas and other Boni, Mughals is hands-down the strongest nation in the game. I urge you to try it this way. Furthermore, all of your idea groups that contribute to monarch point efficiency and pacing need to be in place, so you can do something with all that land. First war with Muscovy, take Moscow. Isn't Admin the best? Watch for AE. Only do a couple of states at a time. Type the name of a console command into the search box to instantly search 227 EU4 commands. But like I said, you have to get extremely lucky and you want world conquest so have no time to wait for that. They should be somewhere in your first four, occasionally five, groups.

Rebels are a massive pain in your butt, not because they are difficult to defeat, but because your empire is so wide, it takes forever to get to them, so its imperative to take one of these unrest reducers. Tech up to Level 4, then move your capital to Moskva.

PUs are another reason why Catholics country are better for your first WC. After that, clean up all occupations because they really wreck your warscore. You get claims in northern India with Timurids missions.

@Dulkan thank you) I should try this one at some point, although it breaks an important roleplay part for me) Would it be beneficial to release as many OPM as possible for a quick growth of IA, after I add their land to the Empoire? Consider attacking them when they are invading either Austria-Hungary or Mamluks. Now, I do make a backup save every so often in case a legitimate bug (in a Paradox game? There are a few no-brainers, a few awful picks, and a lot of room for variation. As a gold mine, Bashgird will spit out +5.00 income once you get it to 10 Diplo Development, which you can do in the first 10 years. By about 1700, your nation needs to be configured so that you have no concerns other than conquering land and getting rid of overextension as fast as possible. Instead you wait for the nation you want to take to have no heir and you claim their throne. And this is probably the best way to start your World Conquest. Put your focus to dip points, you will have caught up in dip tech by 1550 - 1560. i like to attack nogai first as kazan, and then opportunistically on whatever comes next, to build up manpower pool. If you're not one of those nations, the fact that the AI can press those buttons makes your life slightly harder. If you wait until Muscovy has taken Novgorod, you probably won't be able to beat them. This will get you massively over the limit for diplomatic relations, but diplomatic power (mana) can not fall below -999. Meanwhile you can do the usual conquests. Why is Italiae used rather than Italis in the phrase "In hortis Italiae"? Each of these regions have different religions/cultures, making it unlikely for you to create a coalition as you rotate between them. Minimum coring cost is 2 points per dev for a full core, so 1 for territorial, before admin eff. Rinse and repeat. Once you get the Erbkaisertum reform, the religous leagues will no longer trigger. More Merchants means more money! Empire grows by about 50% every 50 years. Also, you don't have to have everything cored. If you’re rolling back the patch because you can’t WC any other way, shame on you. Buy it all down with ducats. - This fight should be much easier. Easiest solution. Reminder that you get -3 diplo rep and -30 opinion modifier with vassals when you integrate a vassal. - With those provinces you can now take Feudalism. My Indian flapshell turtle fell from 3rd floor. So, by admin and diplo tech 23, just from absolutism and tech you can have the best general-purpose CBs and 60% of the 70% admin eff. The EU4 community has come up with several other variants of the WC run, such as the one-tag (no subjects except colonial nations) and one-culture WCs. Late game, you can take a vast swath of territory, release a dead nation inside it, and feed it for much more efficient overextension processing. Not recommended. By doing it extremely slowly? Shift piety toward legalism and lose 2 corruption every 5 years. An In-Depth Guide to Absolutism: Is it a good idea to shove your arm down a werewolf's throat if you only want to incapacitate them? In this case, you have an in built CCC reduction mechanic, so you generally have more admin points than you know what to do with. Let a weak Portugal or Castille manage it, then PU/Vassalize/conquer the country and get all the Colonial Nations for free. Nothing secret about it. Can trade company Africa and Asia for ridiculous money 2. You don't have the manpower to afford to lose any. Which is helpful, but doesn't actually change anything else. This again highlights the need for an immense economic base. EU4 World Conquest Tips. Eu4 wc ideas Eu4 wc ideas. Congratulations to the people who figured it out. People agonize over this too much.

Even better, since you have +25% Religious Unity, you don't even have to suffer the initial shock of turning Orthodox wrecking your unrest.

Two ways to remove duplicates from a list. Conquest of Ming- Get a border with Ming as soon as possible and watch them implode. The three easiest nations to do a WC with are. Third - Plutocratic Ideas: , +1 merchant, 10% army morale, unrest reduction, Institution spread, manpower Recovery and a massive 43% increase in manpower from policies. Offensive is a far better pick for world conquest than defensive or quality imo. Mandate of Heaven is the ultimate DLC for WCers. You can convert provinces in your vassals area. It takes balls of steel to get Kazan to work for the first 50 years, but damn it is exciting as hell. Most importantly, you should be able to get 100-200 monarch points of each type from them every 20 years. Prior to the latest patch (1.29), a Manchu -> Golden Horde -> Mongol Empire WC as also a good contender, but I am not certain how the lastest changes to Manchu (especially to banners) might have changed this.

Infinite nation/ruler/general points. Strength comes from money; money comes from gold, then trade. I'll edit it to reflect the religion mistake. But it is possible to win the Hundred Year War as England and to get an instant Personal Union with France. Otherwise, only tech military. Time your conquests between India, Siberia, Russia, Caucasus, Arabia. Alliances become mainly about preventing coalitions.

The most challenging part of playing Mughal forming them when starting out as Timurids, as they start in a quite unstable position, as well as planning and executing the move of the capital to Europe to enable trading companies in Asia and to reduce stress through corruption by having too many territories. Maintaining absolutism requires you to stop raising autonomy on rebellious provinces, so this implies that you already have in place a way to prevent rebels or deal with them quickly. Priorities are to ensure that Muscovy never captures Kazan, and also that Bashgird is not occupied. Bashgird: Kazan has Bashgird. Military groups -- very situational, depends mostly on early game position.