Whether you're a zodiac beginner looking for a free birth chart or a pro searching for answers to life's toughest questions, we are here to help you connect the dots - no matter your zodiac sign. You can keep an eye on someone who does not treat you as they should.

It can signify that you have fought through a tough period and this is coming to an end and that you are indeed going to emerge at the other side. The man is aided by crutches while the woman tries to warm herself with her old and frayed shawl. The Five of Pentacles can have a good or bad meaning depending on how you interpret the card. Major setbacks are all associated with this card, which may ultimately cause you to lose faith in yourself and in life.

They are both in a bad way — one is on crutches while the other is barefoot, wearing nothing but a thin blanket to protect himself from the weather. Your troubles are coming to an end, but the outcome may not be what you expect. Consider seeking professional guidance to help dig yourself out of this hole. So don’t quit just yet. Sometimes, people can make mistakes when they have the financial means to do so. This diagnosis or treatment plan should, if not leading to health improvements right away, at least give you peace of mind that you know what you are dealing with and have a plan to tackle it. This pairing should serve as a warning that your stubborness and inability to ask for help will only lead you down a losing path. This card can mean feeling cold.

If they are already doing this, they will continue to do so in the future. You have struggled through the hard times. It can be a time when you will feel ignored or undesirable, or that you will be in need of someone who will be with you to support and comfort you. An impoverished couple walks in the snow, passing by a brightly lit stained glass window of a church. This card could also mean you're facing economic setbacks.

The hardships you’ve been experiencing in your career are coming to an end.

In a love Tarot reading, the Five of Pentacles is not a good omen to get.

You should not go there.

In career readings, the Five of Pentacles will appear as a positive when a financial disaster is a blessing in disguise.

Each Tarot Card can help unlock If your struggles persist, this card can represent homelessness, poverty or bankruptcy. As previously stated, historically, the Five of Pentacles was positive in love Tarot readings. Your Tarot cards want you to save not splurge. Your status might take a turn for the worse in the near future. The Five of Pentacles is the card that represents determination and fortitude.

In fact, it signifies the idea of being surrounded by a sense of hardship and plight, so it can be quite depressing if you end up encountering it at some point in your sectors. This destabilization is only adding to the anxiety you’ve been experiencing as of late. You have the choice of choosing or rejecting hope. If you are planning to execute a project, the Five of Pentacles is a red flag. That he is not the best person to make you happy. So try taking a few moments each day to meditate and ground yourself.

Either the people you meet don't appeal or, if they catch your eye, they are already happily hitched. A painful event will lead to bigger and better things. (If you would like more love Tarot meanings for the Five of Pentacles, check out the Love Tarot Meanings guide). If you're single, you may be feeling rejected by someone you were interested in, or you may just be feeling lonely. There is help out there for you. Be mindful of how much money you are spending. You will experience financial hardship for the next little while so expect money to be tight. I advise that you give them the space that they need. The meaning of this card can be deep loneliness, illness, poverty or loss. Five of pentacles in a career reading .

Remember that this will not last forever. It can mean job loss, deception, or even infidelity. Five of pentacles in Ace of pentacles: A new opportunity proves challenging.

It’s likely that you’ve lost your job in recent months or your business has gone under. In a love Tarot reading, the Five of Pentacles reversed is a good omen to get. In a spiritual context, the Five of Pentacles reversed indicates that you have come through a tough time spiritually and feeling like your luck is improving. You may feel like the relationship is going swimmingly when your partner is actually thinking quite the opposite. Your health is likely to suffer in the coming months. - Your relationship may last, but if you’re not your lover’s priority now, things will not improve in the future. Sometimes, the Five of Pentacles can serve as a warning that someone close to you will be pouring all of their time, effort, and money into everything other than you. In modern times, the Five of Pentacles is the card of poverty and in financial readings. However, if you and your love have had financial problems or have been arguing about money, the Five of Pentacles in your relationship reading can predict that this stress and tension are interfering in your partnership. If you have lost a job or business you may be reliant on social welfare and this may be negatively affecting your confidence or causing you stress. The Five of Pentacles can indicate challenges when it comes to your relationship with material things.