It's the only way to fly for mirage in PvE!

In that capacity, I think greatsword will work just fine. I made this one last night. Beservers and Vipers are both at the other extreme - 3 offensive stats and no defensive, which makes them 'glass cannon' builds. Tonight I finished getting ALL the hero points in PoF and some in HoT so I could fill out my Mirage skill line to give myself another option. Dungeons are optional PvE instances designed for a full party of five. Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is the first expansion pack for NCsoft's MMORPG sequel. @Seabhac.6824 said: But being stunned doesn't stop mirage from evading or teleporting, so I still don't take any damage! Unfortunately, because it's an HoT set, you can't buy it on TP. Thanks Aliam, I'm really tempted to just push my way through making power Mirage work till I can get Viper,.. just switch and do it.. what are the best weapon combos and best utilities/heal to use with it? General - Zerging - Leveling - Solo - Tagging. Formerly called "Dungeon merchant" or "Dungeon vendor". While soloing dungeon story paths is possible in theory, I recommend finding at least 2 more players.

Clones are more distraction than actual tanks as they can't really take any damage before being destroyed. Meanwhile Sword mainhand gives you cleave and really nice defensive skill Blurred Frenzy, sword offhand's phantasm is really nice sustained single target power damage tool, and Focus can pull multiple foes (its phantasm is kinda bad tho). Presented by - Paid for by Biden for President, The Most Messed Up Moments in the Comic Book Version of ‘The Boys’, Daily Deals: Preorder Cyberpunk 2077 for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, or PC and Save 17% Off, The Best Anime Fanfiction Where the Hero Is a Villain, Path 2: Escape using the Experimental Teleporter, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. What are Viper stats?

This works fairly well for me., And this is what it looks like in action, recorded and uploaded just now for your thread: Mirage vs. Champion Forged Sorcerer bounty, I love it, thanks for the response.

Just remember to dodge once in a while to unlock an Ambush, the Greatsword Ambush is surprisingly underrated imho, since it eliminates the most glaring issue with GS auto-attack : you do not need to be at max range to deal lots of damage anymore. Scepter requires Illusions (Malicious Sorcery) and Pistol requires Dueling (Duelist's Discipline) to be viable. Easy Alternative: Mess around with straight berserker power setups. However, mirage gives you a great deal more evasion and mobility. It will probably take some practice before it really clicks.'s_Intricate_Gossamer_Insignia Use mantras to tag. I have a deadeye thief I'm playing with a pistol/pistol build that absolutely blows away my mesmer dps and he survives much better too with stealths and even has some mild boon spreading biggest issue is that 4 years ago I used to have a blast with Mesmer because I could go full power phantasms build and do decent dps while still offering decent support. The three explorable paths to that dungeon are: Asura, Seraph and … Is there an equivalent gear type that can fill in until I go do the HoT content? I shared this one about a week ago in another thread, but the first 28 seconds of the video are an excellent example of mirage damage avoidance! It relies on the Sharper Images trait in Dueling that grants your clones bleeding on critical. But when I tested viper gear with axe it blew all of the power setups I tried away. Good evening all, I wanted to pick yer brains for some options and ideas. I actually like pistol offhand due to the strength of duelist...might try sword/pistol with GS and pickup domination and duelist lines with mirage then go with assassin gear with scholar runes....I think I could make that work... Ty for this thread... finally took the plunge and am trying the mirage build linked above though with cheaper condi options since I can't afford viper. So I want to propose something....I've now attained a set of exotic viper gear with adventurer runes and I've been running the typical axe/ torch combo as Mirage....I'm having a hard time getting in the swing of it so how bad would it be to stick with my Viper gear, but use a GS instead with staff offhand and run Domination (for gs), Chaos (for staff) and mirage skill lines..not sure how much of a dps loss it would be but I think I would enjoy it more and viper to enhance it all....just an idea... © 2020 ArenaNet, LLC. However, since yesterday's patch my preliminary testing indicates nearly a 38% decrease in damage output (against large targets) for the clone ambush axe mirage build.

Unlike storymode, there are multiple different paths within the explorable mode (usually three) and you must choose one at the beginning of the dungeon. Best is probably to use focus 4 to pull enemys together. I'm currently using a build with Berserker exotics and a build that looks like this,.. ..I till typically start combat with a phantasmal duelist and magic bullet then toss in wells to hit multiple targets and give alacrity to my phantasms while I swap to GS and stack some might with a phantasmal berserker and a Mirror Blade and Mind stab.. then back to scepter/pistol always using confusing images when it's up, especially after a gravity well.. The condi axe build blew it away, but the difference should be significantly less since the axe clone-ambush build was nerfed into the ground in the recent patch. Further, where staff has only the ability to combo leap for a fairly useless chaos armor application (you do get protection from chaotic dampening if you take that trait), axe has a double-whirl that can add some damage in the form of confusion bolts. On the subject of S/S, I'm also not a big fan of it but the only alternative I can see working is S/Pistol but I haven't tried this out yet. A full set costs 1380 tokens. The thing with the clone ambush mirage build is that nothing seems to really come close to the damage output of axe. As Myhr.9108 said, you probably want to consider the damage type on the weapons you choose. Unfortunately, there's no ferocity beyond superiority complex and your power even enhanced with might just isn't going to produce much with greatsword. Basically, try full Berserker, and I'd suggest replace with some Captain stat (only available for jewelry and amulet, though) until you feel comfortable. MetaBattle content is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Infinite horizon staff condi viper mesmer is a whole new kettle of fish though.

There are two different types: Exotic armor []. But I wouldn't write off mirage or melee builds as lacking in survivability. A full set costs 1380 tokens. With main sword, you can go Phantasm/Ambush/Clone/Clone/Blurred Frenzy/Shatter Distortion/Ambush (mirror)/Ambush(mirror)/Ambush(mirror)/Signet of Illusions, and repeat for an incredible Distortion uptime. Kudos to Aliam...he's on the same sever withme and came with me to attempt windswept haven ...just the 2 of us..and we had an epic win with second left!

Staff is sort of a weird, low-damage hybrid weapon. You can switch Torch to Focus for less damage but more utility (pull), or Scepter to Sword for less damage but better cleave and melee defense. Now let's see ANet improve ambush builds to an acceptable state now that they've fixed the axe ambush bug. He knows what he's doing! Three of the eight dungeons are designed for max level (80) players.

With blurred inscriptions, desert distortion, and a couple of signets on the bar, you will have good access to extra ambushes on demand. @Seabhac.6824 said: You even get a good look at mirage "cheating".

I think any of these weapons should work. But once you get the hang of it you can chain so much damage avoidance with mirage cloaks, teleports, stealth, target breaks, etc. Weapons can still be switched. The confusion stacking on the clone ambush build is insane. Dungeons are optional party-based PvE instances, each with their own story.There are currently nine dungeons. Signet of Midnight is a short-CD signet, so you have a nice source of Distortion and Ambushes. another questions though,.. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Appreciate all the help! Let me show you a chrono hybrid shatter build I used to use some time ago in open-world and had fun with it. Still, if you watch closely you'll see that I still manage to exceed 50 stacks of confusion several times, even while having around 20 stacks each of torment and bleeding! swap Elusive Mind with IH whenever possible. I love the build so much I went all in on Axe by investing in Frostfang + Rodgort last night. Appreciate all the help! I'm totally with you on favouring power over condi and I much prefer mirage over chrono, which is why I'm running the build I linked above. But if you aren't raiding or doing high end fractals, and you can't get viper and you love greatsword, this would probably work just fine. This category contains all builds tagged for all kinds of dungeon.

@Jasmine.8195 said: Dungeon armor refers to sets of armor purchased with tokens earned by completing Explorable dungeon paths.

With axe, you're already at melee range and the relative benefits of pulsing aegis and daze are more apparent as a result, since you can't simply use range to avoid damage. Recommended - Great - Good. There's a reason the meta build used only axe. I'm currently using a build with Berserker exotics and a build that looks like this,.. ..I till typically start combat with a phantasmal duelist and magic bullet then toss in wells to hit multiple targets and give alacrity to my phantasms while I swap to GS and stack some might with a phantasmal berserker and a Mirror Blade and Mind stab.. then back to scepter/pistol always using confusing images when it's up, especially after a gravity well..

what would be a better setup for this and how does this build handle groups,.. more often than not when in open world you get jumped by groups, not 1 at a time.

So yes, dungeon story paths can be soloed, but it isn't easy. I so I guess it's more of a power Phantasm build, making phantasms strong and hitting hard and distracting from me while I hit with GS and scepter from range. Dungeon venders are located outside each dungeon and in Lion's Arch. Every boss in explorable mode also drops a form of currency that can be exchanged for armor unique to that specific dungeon.