. When Odysseus was travelling to the palace of the witch Kirke, the god Hermes plucked a moly plant from the earth and presented it to the hero for protection against her magics. (Source: Athenaeus), Greek : Pyros Myth 1 : Metamorphosis Syrinx. : Some, in making caducei, put two snakes intertwined on the rod, because this seemed to Mercury a bringer of peace. Myth 1 : Death of Pyramos & Thisbe. Within indigenous Amazonian traditions, dieting is a primary means by which humans learn to connect, communicate and work with the spirit (intelligence) of certain Master Plants. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th to 4th B.C.) Sacred to : Aphrodite (symbol of love) Shewring) (Greek epic C8th B.C.) Description : The chief agricultural crop. She left him lying in the Arkadian wilds on a bed of violets where he was fed honey by serpents. Species : Olea europaea

: Pausanias, Description of Greece 2. "Hermes Kyllenios (of Mt Kyllene) began to summon the suitors' ghosts [at dawn's first light]; he held in his hand the golden rod that he uses to lull men's eyes asleep when he so wills, or again to wake others from their slumber; with this he roused them and led them on [to the underworld], and they followed him, thinly gibbering. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) : 301 ff : Sacred to : Apollon and Leto (the sacred palm tree of Apollon's birth grew in his sanctuary on the island of Delos); Nike (the goddess of victory held a palm branch as an attribute).

The two main commonly found in the region are the evergreen holm oak and the deciduous Valonian. Description : The Aleppo is a coastal pine which grows to a height of 15 to 25 metres. HERMES was the Olympian god of herds, trade, heralds, athletes and thieves. 37 (trans. [1] 28 ff (trans. HAWK The hawk was a bird sacred to Hermes. 6-7 (trans. Psalakantha was an Ikarian who Dionysos sought to assist him in the wooing of Ariadne. 27. ", Homer, Iliad 24.

In classical times it was a food only of last resort consumed in times of famine. The story of the transformation of Hermes beloved Krokos into the flower of the same name is not currently quoted here. When his beloved Karpos (fruit) drowned, the grievingKalamos was transformed into a stand of reeds. Athene and Poseidon once engaged in a contest for dominion of Athens. Hermes' attributes in classical art were the herald's wand (Latin caduceus, Greek kerykeion), winged boots, a brimmed and sometimes winged cap (petasos), and a traveller's cloak (chlamys). The story told at the mysteries of the Mother [Demeter] about Hermes and the ram I know but do not relate. Myth 2 : Tribe of the Lotus-Eaters. Greek : Karya This page describes the god's attributes, estate, sacred plants and animals, and attendant gods. ", Ovid, Metamorphoses 1.

(Source: Servius), Greek : Kalamos Then he went on from task to task: first he cut up the rich, fatted meat, and pierced it with wooden spits, and roasted flesh and the honourable chine and the paunch full of dark blood all together. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? Myth 1 : Death of Adonis.

. 15 sacred plants from cultures around the world. When Mercury [Hermes], holding it in his hand, was journeying to Arcadia and saw two snakes with bodies intertwined, apparently fighting, he put down the staff between them. I’m very much looking forward to my coming journey. Venus - Anemone, apple, carnation, daisy, elder, heather, marjoram, myrtle, orchid, poppy, violet, vervain How long will the footprints on the moon last? Philyra was later so ashamed at having given birth to the half-horse Kheiron that she begged Zeus to change her form. Species : Agaricus campestris and other species He placed the animal amongst the stars as the constellation Lepus. PAN & PANES Pan the god of goat-herds and the tribe of goat-footed Panes were companions of Hermes in the Arkadian mountains. Hecate - Aconite, cyclamen, cypress, date palm, garlic, henbane, mandrake, mint, onion, willow, yew "[Hermes disguised himself as a] herdsman [in order to slay the giant Argos Panoptes], he drove a flock of goats through the green byways, gathered as he went, and played his pipes of reed. "Apollon sware also [to Hermes] : ‘Verily I will make you only to be an omen for the immortals and all alike, trusted and honoured by my heart. The strange sweet skill charmed Juno's [Hera's] guardian. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) : Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) : Pausanias, Description of Greece 4. Plants and Goddess Associations. 730 ff : (Source: Ovid) Let Sacred Plant Wisdom empower you to take your life back with ancient whole plant nutrition.