Umbral Brand III (MAX) It might not seem like much, but when we’re talking about cumulative damage numbers in the tens of millions or more, that adds up quite a bit. It is recommended to complete this quest, even if your Zero is created and trained just for the level 5 link skill. Example: Creating a Mercedes and level it up to reach Level 120, so you can use its Link Skill “Elven Blessing” to link to other characters with +15% EXP Rate. Enhances Reaction: Destruction.

Attacks against monsters afflicted by Abnormal Statuses deal +3% damage. hi ayumi..i have NW..why i cant get another cygnus link for another cygnus char?? You can get a total of 5 additional stacks on top of the initial boost. 3) 12 is the limit of Link Skills that any one character can obtain. same level 2 ? To give you an overview of the numerous link skills in the Maplestory, we’ve created the following chart with all link skills in the game. 6. Adele’s link skill, Noble Fire, is a great link skill to have, not only for yourself, but also for your party. Level 1: +5% Damage.

Magic Attack +9, INT +14, LUK +14, Sold for 100,000 mesos Attacks up to 3 enemies at 31% damage 1 times. Is this used to be like this? Skill effects reduced to half when used with link skill. Level 1: Craft: Longinus Attack Count +1, Longinus – Cooldown Cutter | Longinus – Cooldown Reduction

Noble Fire. Cannot be sold to NPC, Untradable, Level 100 – Gold Crystal Emblem &

Level 20: MP Cost: 100. Also Level 2 Link Skills happen to be release later depending on different MapleStory region, so it might be available in KMS but not in GMS yet or perhaps both have not implement Level 2 yet. Orb leaves a Bless Mark on you, and temporarily increases Craft: Javelin’s damage. Each stats (STR / DEX / INT / LUK / Weapon Attack / Magic Attack) has a max of 28 points.

this will come [nw class cannot receive cygnus bless (pirate)] MSEA. 2 – 3 Stacks: DEF -4%

Each of these job represents different region (GMS = Jett, MSEA = Zen, TWS/CMS = Dragon Warrior). M.Att: +153, W.Att: +93, Slot: 8, Sold for 64,000 mesos Mercedes (Elven Blessing) (or 100 if you want the S-rank card). Every single class in Maplestory have and can give a link skill to a character within the same server on your account.

During Glory Wing, cusing Crystal Portal with directional keys will quickly teleport you towards that direction.

Flash Crystal Battery, Resonant Wings, Vortex Wings (1)

Thanks for the lovely guide! 70, you can be informed of how to share your link skills with the "Teaching Link Skills" quest via the quest notifier. Level 25: MP Cost: 200. Evan EXP Rune is very useful when you defeat boss within the time frame. Since I can only have 3 characters on Galicia, that means the most link skills I can have is 3 correct?

Mechanic (Pirate) Hi, is xenon temporary removed from MSEA? Level 1: MP Cost: 30. Can i know what level would be for Zero for link skill Lv.5?Thanks. Increases Craft: Longinus damage. ), 8) level 2 link skill from level 120 Angelic Buster, 9) level 2 link skill from level 120 Demon Slayer, 10) level 2 link skill from level 120 Luminous (NOTE: If the main character is a Luminous, this will be the main character’s own link skill.). Level 1: MP Cost: 60.