John Kasich, both of whom spoke at August’s Democratic National Convention. Senator Warren has already been mentioned as a possible candidate to head the Treasury Department. Joe Biden’s transition team is vetting a handful of Republicans for potential Cabinet positions — despite doubts it will win him new support from the right and the risk it will enrage the left. It’s just going to be very, very difficult," Kaufman said. Joe Biden's campaign is built on two ambitious promises: Get the coronavirus under control, and get America back to normal. We've got to figure out how we're going to move forward here.’ Because there are so many things we really do agree on.”. Vance is a man who knows how to protect his friends and persecute his political enemies. Fans of the Clinton pay-for-play operation in the State Department may have a lot to look forward to if Rice assumes the role.

Jeh Johnson, who served as Obama's second secretary at the Department of Homeland Security, could get the top job at Defense, where he also was general counsel in Obama's first term.

Roger Altman is a loyal Biden supporter and contributor but also an investment banker with strong ties to Goldman Sachs. Under Warren, the CFPB could expand these schemes. This is a new "Axios on HBO" column on the reality behind the curtain of the powerful, by Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen. The 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful has said repeatedly he wants his cabinet to “look like the country” and thus, be proudly diverse across his administration. President Trump has taken that dynamic to new levels. “Had Hillary Clinton won back in ’16, there were several names of African Americans that we wanted to put up for secretary of Treasury, for deputy secretary of Treasury, for the Fed. September 8, 2020 | 3:42pm | Updated September 8, 2020 | 4:13pm. Plus, for a Democratic presidential nominee who has won significant support from former elected Republican leaders, Biden has an even broader pool of GOP candidates to choose from than his predecessors, supporters say. “I think those [ideological] distinctions are going to be a little hard to draw in this administration,” said Matt Bennett, whose center-left group Third Way, like others, is developing lists of candidates to propose to Biden’s advisers for sub-Cabinet and other roles. Who will be in charge if Joe Biden defeats Donald Trump? Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, former Georgia House minority leader Stacey Abrams and Sen. Elizabeth Warren are among those who may be considered to head the Justice Department.


With presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s veep picked, convention concluded and campaign cruising ahead of his opponent’s, he might be tempted to … Massachusetts GOP Gov. If Joe Biden wins the presidency, his advisers plan to assemble the most diverse Cabinet in U.S. history as he works to fulfill a pledge to build the Democratic Party on a new generation of leaders. Elsewhere in the Cabinet, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, who endorsed Biden in early January and served on his vice presidential selection committee, is a likely candidate for transportation or Housing and Urban Development, among other possible positions. | Samuel Corum/Getty Images. Mind you, there will be no “buy back” of the weapons private security firms use to protect elite Democrats. This story has been shared 23,652 times. Gates reserved some of his harshest criticism for Biden, saying the vice president had been “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”. “Unfortunately, there are no prominent Republicans I know of who are on board with that agenda.”. “I would be surprised if that wasn’t something he was considering.”, The former vice president in late April said he would not have any limitations on tapping a Republican “if they’re the best-qualified person to do it.”, He also regularly invokes his ability to work with the GOP. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Cyrus Vance is an experienced prosecutor with enough gravitas to easily crush the type of coup that bureaucrats attempted against Trump. Tapping a GOP candidate to lead a federal agency could be an easy and early way to reward Republicans who endorsed him before the election and signal his intent to bridge the country’s partisan divide.

1) Frank Kendell III: Secretary of Defense, Architect of Waste. “You get the downside of having someone in your Cabinet that’s not aligned with you ideologically and alienates the left, without getting the upside of bipartisanship,” Bennett said. It’s guys like Altman who efficiently shepherd “stimulus” money into already-wealthy pockets. 45th - 49th Presidents of the United States (The Future of America).

People with experience, people that are smart as hell and people that reflect America," Kaufman said in an interview. Biden will be the bureaucrat’s president, ceding policymaking to the career professionals who span changes in administration but almost invariably lean Left—those who, like the furniture at the White House, come along with the place. Jake Sullivan, a former top State Department official and a senior adviser to Biden, said that as he formulates his legislative agenda, Biden is “being attentive to how you construct a bold, integrated agenda that can also attract a big tent coalition of support.”, And Stef Feldman, the Biden campaign’s policy director, said that in addition to Biden's legislative experience, he "also knows how to move the levers of government in the executive branch.”, Brown, who would likely become chairman of the Senate banking committee if Democrats win the Senate, said it is not Biden "moving to the left," but "Biden, and all of us around him, recognizing this is going to be a very consequential presidency.". Bill Richardson, who served in the Clinton administration as energy secretary and ambassador to the U.N. “I believe he will have a free reign for six months, and then if there isn’t major, positive change, you know, the fractures in the party will start showing.”.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is facing warring factions of the Democratic Party as he attempts to build a potential cabinet. “A lot of this isn’t about ideology or anything else. Your Ad Choices Former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg is seen as a likely choice for ambassador to the United Nations or secretary of Veterans Affairs. He has significantly expanded his proposal to address climate change, proposing to spend $2 trillion over four years on a suite of programs. Voters have a right to look past Biden’s crooked grin and the “orange man bad” propaganda to really consider what life will be like under a Biden Administration. Rice was deeply involved in the Russia Collusion hoax and could be relied upon to reprise her politicization of U.S. foreign policy to smear, harass, and spy upon domestic political opponents.

“Between Covid-19, what Trump’s done and the economy, this is going to be a totally different transition because of that.