"I'm not going to attack you. Main Percy Jackson - The Son of Sobek. Every time I imagine what you must have looked like, I can't help but be amused. Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 121 - Reviews: 63 - Favs: 186 - Follows: 250 - Updated: Perseus is the son of Poseidon and Hestia. "Man this conversation took an odd turn. I just see no need for violence at this point," Percy rolled his eyes while dismissively waving away the question. Sindri is a master blacksmith and is very nice to the children.

Squinting against the nearly blinding sun he pursed his lips as he watched a few of the campers walking around. Here the campers do most of their daily classes in art, literature, math, science, and monster hunting. And also while on the ship, Madu found an old scythe left in an old cupboard, it was ragged and slightly rusty but he took it anyway. ", Hestia delicately laughed into her hand. His surprise was diminished however when he realized that there was probably no good way to start a conversation after so long. Seconds passed before she gave him a reluctant nod and returned to her own seat of power. ", Hestia nodded. A son of Light,fated to the son of Riches.

"And you should learn to think before jumping on board with whatever plan involves the most violence. Where weapons are stored. Tony Pierce (owned by Son of War) son of Loki, Topher McMine (owned by Son of War) son of Loki, Blanca Richards (owned by Son of War) daughter of Sif, Adam Reid (owned by Branch of Yggdrasil) Cub of Fenrir. Kindred Scarlet- Thanks for your kind words. "Maybe… I don't know for sure though. Regarding the council, well, his interactions there will be given this chapter. "What situation might you be referring to?" Looking around, Percy took note that there were no more residents lingering around them, going about their business and day to day life. I'm nearly certain I don't have to say this, but just for chuckles, I will… we need them on our side, so it would be in your best interest to try to get along with them," Percy paused and scratched at his neck. Didn't want to post this early but harasser is threatening to post it if I don't.

I feel that if we were to align ourselves with your cause, then we too, should be wary of the God of Evil. For his part, the sea deity looked a bit affronted, but complied nonetheless and went to his throne. You all are awesome. "Are we though? A new beginning. "Like all heroes, he will never truly be extinguished. She seeks solitude to deal with her growing problem. He was glad that he was being taken seriously, given the situation being what it was. Thanks for reading. Of course I'll take you two there.". "We don't need to grovel at their feet or kiss their ass, but cooperation runs smoothly when both parties involved aren't at each other's throats. The campers call them "Houses" (for example the House of Thor or the House of Sif.) COMPLETE! Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon and Hecate, not a demigod, not a human. The gods were afraid. We cannot make a decision so rashly, instead we should take the time to observe our options prior to fighting. I'm pretty sure that she has a bone to pick with Celtic pantheon, which translated over to the others with time. Eventually, if things played out how Percy hoped, the god would be dead, followed shortly thereafter by his brother.

He tries to find the father to look after the child. (Sorry for the Summary). I read, I get ideas.It's not my fault these plot bunnies keep dropping basically out of the sky, alright? It would appear that Percy and my brother are saying their goodbyes.". "It wouldn't have mattered. "It's now time for you to move on, you must not stay here any longer." Chaos pushed me in that direction… but I have to agree with her. It would be best that we are back here before Hestia comes looking for us. But she also left him with someone whom would never be suspected to take care of her precious little bundle, and that is just how Sally wanted it. blurrybenjamin- Yup, Percy will have a harem.

"What is Percy to you?" He knew that the views of Angra Mainyu would be less that appreciated by many people for their nihilistic tendencies, yet he found the god interesting to an extent. Letting go of a long-suffering sigh, Percy scratched the bottom of his chin. T because i m paranoid. "Woah, hold on. He trained with it, fighting against an old wooden post.

I'm sure that my face looked pretty hilarious at that time. Beyond all of that though, tell me, do you love him?". While shopping with his mentor, Percy had chosen a fairly casual outfit consisting of jeans, a black graphic t-shirt underneath a purple long sleeve shirt and black sneakers.