An unknown error has occurred. I've already found a lot of secondary sources but since i'm in year 12 i need to use a lot of primary sources as well to pass. 1971.

Sparta: Storia e rappresentazioni di una città greca. The most highly recommended sources are marked with an * By far the best book on ancient Sparta I have ever read is the last in this list, Das Andere Sparta by Conrad Stibbe. ( Log Out /  Users without a subscription are not able to see the full content on On the other hand, the “equality” of the Spartans, who termed themselves homoioi (“equals”), has always been fascinating. 2017. The city lay at the northern end of the central Laconian plain, on the right bank of the river Eurotas, a little south of tbe point where it is joined by its largest tributary, the Oenus (mod. Change ), Research on Tutankhamun uploaded (Year 11 Ancient History), The debate over the motives of Adolf Eichmann – reflection on the work of Bettina Stangeth, Extracts of an interview with Jared Diamond, Resources for research in Pompeii and Herculaneum, Ancient Sewer Reveals Roman Diet – Scientists found veggie heavy evidence (Newser, 15 June 2011), Ancient Pompeii Is Collapsing : Parts of 2 Structures Crumbled. Yet the Spartan “mirage” has been continuously deconstructed since the publication of Ollier 1933–1943 (see Spartan Tradition and Research History, Post-1900). Rome: Carocci Editore.

Below are the sources I found most enlightening and helpful in understanding Spartan society. French historian Francios Ollier in his book The Spartan Mirage (1943) argued that what we know about Spartan society is a literary construct by ancient sources that deliberately present the society in a particular view. Lupi, Marcello. Spartan reflections. London: Duckworth. Latin Paleography, Editing, and the Transmission of Classi... Maritime Archaeology of the Ancient Mediterranean. Reprinted with additions in 2002.

There has been some recent historical debate about the distortion of Spartan society in the ancient sources. Recent overview of Spartan history, with a useful chapter on Roman Sparta. The idea of severe regulation of all facets of life and its orientation toward the state resulted in the early 20th century in the denotation of the Spartan community as a “kosmos,” so that Sparta also became a modern myth.

Peer-reviewed publications on Questia are publications containing articles which were subject to evaluation for accuracy and substance by professional peers of the article's author(s). Cartledge, Paul.

My advice is where possible, focus first on archaeological sources, then the limited “primary” sources, then the “secondary sources”. A companion to Sparta. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Lévy, Edmond. Expand or collapse the "in this article" section, Spartan Tradition and Research History, Post-1900, Expansion, Colonization, and Messenian Wars, Other Social Classes, Cinadon, and Unrest, Expand or collapse the "related articles" section, Expand or collapse the "forthcoming articles" section, Art and Archaeology, Research Resources for Classical, Bilingualism and Multilingualism in the Roman World.

12 "Spartan Foreign Policy and Problems in the Peloponnese, 478-446/5", The Spartan Tradition in European Thought, Search for more books and articles on ancient Sparta, Primary Sources (Literary and Historical). ( Log Out /  You could not be signed in, please check and try again. Sparta: Geschichte, Gesellschaft, Kultur. DOI: 10.4324/9780203472231E-mail Citation ». A primary source is a work that is being studied, or that provides first-hand or direct evidence on a topic. Paris: Éditions du Seuil. would be really helpful. ), Filed under Ancient History, Nature of History. SPARTA. ( Log Out / 

22, No. Read preview Overview Freedom in Sparta and Athens: The Stark Contrast between Ancient Sparta and Athens Makes Abundantly Clear That Cultural Achievement Occurs Only Where Men Are Free By Behreandt, Dennis The New American, Vol. Sparta: Verfassungs- und Sozialgeschichte einer griechischen Polis.

Oliva, Pavel. Explores important issues of Spartan history in clearly arranged chronological chapters. 2 vols. They were the 1st to ever do this. 2007. Powell, Anton, ed. this page. Following this outline, it later became also a model for the Romans (Polybius, Book 6). However, they were both very different. Standard work for the history of Sparta. Poetry, Latin: From the Beginnings through the End of the ... Roman Italy, 4th Century bce to 3rd Century ce, Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature. Please click the button below to reload the page.

Aside from the fact that most written sources on Sparta have historiographical problems, it is also not balanced, since there are archaeological sources as well. Sparta and Lakonia: A regional history 1300–362 BC.

Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. 2018.

If the problem persists, please try again in a little while. ( Log Out /  Aside from the fact that most written sources on Sparta have historiographical problems, it is also not balanced, since there are archaeological sources as well. Cartledge, Paul. 2003.

Two valuable volumes with articles of international specialist on most aspects of Sparta. Around the 2nd Greco-Persian war era? AND, OR, NOT, “ ”, ( ), We use cookies to deliver a better user experience and to show you ads based on your interests. At Sparta the citizens pay strictest obedience to the magistrates and the laws.

Athens V Sparta Athens and Sparta were probably the two most famous and powerful city states in Ancient Greece. Welwei, Karl-Wilhelm. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

A broad survey of Spartan history, geography, and culture, thematizing the Spartan myth without deconstructing it profoundly. This powerpoint will take you through the archaeological sources on Sparta, most of which were found… (I’m inclined to call Plutarch and Aristotle ‘fourth-hand’ sources. 2d ed. By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies as described in our, The New American, Vol. 1979. Please subscribe or login. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta. B. Metzler. Yet the Spartan “mirage” has been continuously deconstructed since the publication of Ollier 1933–1943 (see Spartan Tradition and Research History, Post-1900). London and New York: Routledge. Kennell, Nigel M. 2010. Paris: Armand Colin.

Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Although there are many general overviews of Spartan history, none of them covers the whole span from earliest times to the Roman epoch, nor does any include all political and social aspects. Thommen, Lukas.

2017. Alongside Athens, Sparta is considered as the second mighty polis in the Greek world and has always attracted admiration as well as criticism, so that its image has undergone many transformations. What are some primary and secondary sources for the conflict between the Athens and Spartans in the peloponnesian war? Spartans: A new history.

Baltrusch, Ernst. Cartledge 1979 begins with the Mycenaean epoch; Oliva 1971, Lévy 2003, Christien and Ruzé 2007, and Welwei 2017 include the Hellenistic period; Kennell 2010, Lupi 2017, and Thommen 2017 include a short look into Roman times; and Cartledge 2001 concentrates on selected aspects of Spartan society. 11, May 29, 2006, By Sarah B. Pomeroy; Stanley M. Burstein; Walter Donlan; Jennifer Tolbert Roberts, {{filterTypeLookup[searchItem.filterType]}}, {{searchTypeLookup[searchItem.searchType]}}, Hellenistic and Roman Sparta: A Tale of Two Cities, Leonidas and the Kings of Sparta: Mightiest Warriors, Fairest Kingdom, Athens and Sparta: Constructing Greek Political and Social History from 478 BC, Freedom in Sparta and Athens: The Stark Contrast between Ancient Sparta and Athens Makes Abundantly Clear That Cultural Achievement Occurs Only Where Men Are Free, Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History, The Gymnasium of Virtue: Education & Culture in Ancient Sparta, Aspects of Greek History, 750-323 BC: A Source-Based Approach, Chap.