Search this “PXT Select” is a trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc., or To measure the amount of a sub-trait in a particular profile, look at the relationship between the two factors it describes. DiSC profiles level the playing field by giving trainers and trainees the non-judgmental information they need to train more effectively. I have taken the DISC and the Typefinder tests. Sign up now!

D styles tend to have goals such as these: strive for unique accomplishments ; explore new opportunities; maintain control of the audience; achieve independence; get bottom-line results; D style challenge. Is there a test available online that you recommend? You may find yourself losing track of time and your surroundings on the path to perfectionism! Deepen your understanding of yourself and others. She is driven, accomplished, and assertive – though she may also be perceived as insensitive, impersonal, or aloof. Personality Test (Myers & Briggs' 16 Types), The Four Most Common Enneagram Couples: Their Strengths and Potential Pitfalls, What Each Myers-Briggs Type Will Be Doing This Halloween. The DiSC journey starts with a simple test. How Does Your Personality Type Impact Your Income? Got a query about Discus? Thank you. In other words am I closer to an ID or IS??? Teams are where things get done in the modern workplace. The pointers are guidelines.

Discus is a full-feature professional online personality profiler. She’ll look at the research and ideas that her crew have generated (working in an environment that she has shaped) and make the best decisions on how to proceed. DiSC Classic patterns: Developer, Result-Oriented, Inspirational, Creative. Where one or more of these factor combinations is strongly represented in a profile, it can give useful summary information about the individual concerned, but with somewhat less precision than the profile's twelve true sub-traits. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Make smarter hiring decisions through the data-driven power of assessments. Marston’s DISC system began with the four compass points of personality that give the profiles their name: dominance (D), influence (i), steadiness (S), and conscientiousness (C). DiSC assessments are extensively researched and time-tested. Setting up a Discus account is quick and easy.

She is happy to take the difficult route to success if it means creating more profitable processes and ideas. its affiliated companies. Her får du en guide til, hvordan du arbejder med DiSC profiler og styrker kommunikationen. Her enthusiasm manifests through the emotional and professional support she offers others. If this is you, you will be valued for the determined way in which you get your work done – but try becoming more engaged with your colleagues and with new ideas to gain a fuller sense of accomplishment.