With health building up I then added an Ethereal Staff to use the high health to my advantage and gain more damage power. I second Sanguis in saying that Subzero's Artemis guide is better than this, because at least it has different sections and the author isn't a daft and arrogant ****. SmiteFire is a community that lives to help every Smite player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! I'm not teaching you how to play Smite, I'm telling you what works well for me- shortly and simply. Normally I feel too squishy and choose Since Geb takes reduced damage from crits I wasn't worried so much about physical damage so I beefed up on some magic def. I'm new to this site compared to users like Subzero008, who had the same opinion of this guide, but that doesn't matter, right?

I start with Winged Wand for the health, cd reduction and the passive is great for escape. Good day m8. Geb Lore Behold the rumble from the deep, for it is the bellow of rock and stone. Not a full tank Also edited the guide to include your idea for my TLDR! Geb's

Create, share and explore a wide variety of Smite god guides, builds and general strategy in a friendly community. Create, share and explore a wide variety of Smite god guides, builds and general strategy in a friendly community. As long as what you're saying is I'm a good player- you're admitting to the fact that the items I chose are good. Ok subzero, now we're getting some useful feedback. SmiteFire is a community that lives to help every Smite player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Wait, I haven't reviewed anything, but being a good player does not mean the same thing as choosing the right items. Buy starting items, initiate the Mana Jungle buff for your team by utilizing all your abilities: roll into the pack, turn around, shockwave the pack, shield yourself and move to Damage Buff followed by speed buff.

A titan of immortal ages has awoken from fitful slumber to crush all who tread upon his realm. No, it's not some button you switch, just put in your title, "Build-Only guude" or something like that. You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! for the great physical reduction passive and magic power/physical reduction stats. For a replacement to this, dont see any lifesteal in there so a bancrofts could be a good choice. I want to receive promotions from our partners. Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. Keeping yourself very aware of your allies health and position as you fight is essential and it will take some getting used to between deciding to shield yourself or one of your allies. Smite's Geb season 6 builds page. allows you to hold an entire team in one spot for a solid few seconds- which is more than enough time for your DPS to do some major damage. Geb does amazing Area of Effect damage once you have your ultimate and the fact he has a slow/knockback:

Hopefully someone else finds it useful. On my screen it says "Build : Balanced Build - Conquest" nothing about guide. I do appreciate the comments and downvotes as it is raising the views on my guide! Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! Being good with a god doesn't mean you're good at writing a guide for the god. Please keep this in mind while reading. Copyright © 2019 SMITEFire | All Rights Reserved. Then a void stone to add more magic power and magic def as well as the added benefit of reducing surrounding enemies magic def which only made all of my abilities hit harder. Thanks for playing. ***TLDR: "Here are some items.

Decent Damage But it's not a 1v1 build. Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote.

For items I always start with some boots. I lol'd at you wasting 110 hours in stormwind :) your life is obviously much better than mine- good guide or otherwise. Guide has nothing to it. This is literally the worst guide I have ever read with the worst author I have ever seen. Dark I'll take a look at that tutorial, that's a lot of help.

I harbor no resentment towards any of you- I understand this guide isn't pretty or even effective, but I felt the need to share what has worked very well for me. Want to support SmiteFire with an ad-free experience? Honestly I never read the guides here, I just look for decent item builds. 1v1, sure maybe. That's just not the case. If this is just a build, then present it as a build only guide. This guide has not yet been updated for the current season.

Then I added Warlock's Sash to add a lot of health and some magic power. Finally, and again based on your enemies damage type, pick between Thank you. The guide is ****... with a 78% win ratio lol.

SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. However, you failed to respond to the truth at hand: You have.

SmiteFire is a community that lives to help every Smite player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. zero phys protections. Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy. Strange... No gameplay, no skills, you have no right to present this as a guide. TR is a useless item. With the Warlock's Sash and Ethereal Staff you've now just added 1200 health to yourself. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page.

I think not.

A lumbering giant, patient, deliberate, unmovable; he is Geb, God of Earth. /

Watch out and be very careful depending on who agrees and who doesn't. SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Look at my giant epeen, I can't possibly be wrong!" SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Please keep this in mind while reading. Thanks for feedback. Help Support Our Growing Community. i cant wait for someone to name a build "i came in like a wrecking ball!". or After that I'd just add a Gem of Isolation as that gives you slows to all of your abilities as well as adding more magic power and health. The content may be poorly written, sloppy and quickly composed but the results speak for themselves. ... Geb has the damage of other guardians, even if he doesn't have a stun or a root before level 5, use that to your advantage, but make sure you aren't taking minion fire. Since Geb takes reduced damage from crits I wasn't worried so much about physical damage so I beefed up on some magic def. I honestly just roll around as much as possible and continually pop the other teams more squishy players as often as possible and let my team initiate around my attacks. This is a build I put together on the fly as a dual purpose damage with survivability. You should buy level 1 Meditation and two health potions. You keep talking about this high win ratio, but you've played the God less than 100 times. Here are some abilities. I have tried this kind of build before before, but i find it to be more of an 'epeen' build than a build that is truely better for your team.

This is because Telkhines only addsd 40 damage gives very few protections and attack speed isn't that great for guardians say other than ymir who it can add up to 80 bonus damage. If what you say about Anhur and no physical def items is true then Anhur should be able to kill everyone. Want to support SmiteFire with an ad-free experience? and two stuns: I've been playing Geb since he came out. YOU DO NOT NEED A 15 PAGE GUIDE TO UNDERSTAND If you have enough gold you'll want to decided whether you feel your Physical/Magical reductions are sufficient at this time. Pros I want to receive promotions from our partners. Says Mr. Unremarkable HAHA- Lets use that same logic and say your opinion and review of this guide have no merit or relevance because you are ranked so low on the "Smite Fire Totem-pole" and have so few posts.... GG, keep coming back :). Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! ability makes escape incredibly easy with this build- pop on I will explain. Your win ratio is invalid for now. Those hours walking around aimlessly around the streets of Stormwind is what made the subscription fee bearable. Want to support SmiteFire with an ad-free experience? A brief overview on his combat and initiations: Wasted?

Not very high DPS. I hate this guy. http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/making-a-guide-101506.

Copyright © 2019 SMITEFire | All Rights Reserved, With Shields of Rock and Stone... - Geb 6.5, YOU ROCK! Wow, no physical defense at all ? This is where things start to become situational... Usually, I have returned to base after a initiate on the other team and have less than 500 gold- thus I buy Magi's Blessing because it is cheap. Using your abilities will help your team clear quickly and save you from taking damage- use Meditation and one of your health potions and you should be back to fighting shape. (Conquest - updated for season 6), Chronos would kill any Geb not building correctly. for magic power/magic resist or It's fine to be arrogant, but you have nothing to back up your attitude, yet. This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. I considered making one tomorrow. work very well. Browse Geb pro builds, top builds and guides.