Were it proposed by the plan of the convention to abolish the governments of the particular States, its adversaries would have some ground for their objection; though it would not be difficult to show that if they were abolished the general government would be compelled, by the principle of self-preservation, to reinstate them in their proper jurisdiction. The passage below is an excerpt from a letter written by the eighteenth-century author Lord Chesterfield to his young son, who was traveling far from home.

The emergence and popularity of satire and the mock-epic through works such as The Rape of the Lock by Pope reflect the prevalence of classical influence in society as it became widespread through education.

Shut your hearts against the poison which it conveys; the kindred blood which flows in the veins of American citizens, the mingled blood which they have shed in defense of their sacred rights, consecrate their Union, and excite horror at the idea of their becoming aliens, rivals, enemies. The error which limits republican government to a narrow district has been unfolded and refuted in preceding papers. old age.

Without even realizing it, people have been molded by the enlightenment period, allowing themselves to face new ideas with an open mind . He attended a number of primary schools including Charterhouse, followed by Oxford University, where he received his degree. Cathedral schools (small schools run by clergy to train future priests) were developed as a response to the Gregorian reform of the early eleventh century. It is also credited for all of the revolutions that helped to change and enlighten mankind. Pope’s The Rape of the Lock also serves as an example of a Mock-Epic.

5. 188.

Among the literary works produced during this period which reflect society’s renewed interest in the classical tradition as resultant from the educational system at that time are: This excerpt from Samuel Johnson’s (1754) 121st essay in his weekly publication. pride); but I mean likewise to excel in the thing itself; Deciding on which seven arts were to be studied was no mindless choice. If they should derive less benefit, therefore, from the Union in some respects than the less distant States, they will derive greater benefit from it in other respects, and thus the proper equilibrium will be maintained throughout.

Eventually, Latin developed into the Romance languages and bibles and other texts begin to be translated from Latin into vernacular languages, expanding the audience of scholarly and religious texts.

Read the passage carefully.


We handle assignments in a multiplicity of subject areas including Admission Essays, General Essays, Case Studies, Coursework, Dissertations, Editing, Research Papers, and Research proposals, A photo posted by Writemyclassessay (@writemyclassessay) on Oct 13, 2016 at 11:26pm PDT, We handle papers in a multiplicity of subject areas including Admission Essays, General Essays, Case Studies, Coursework, Dissertations, Editing, Research Papers, and Research proposals.

20 your pleasures; of which, on the contrary, I only 1910. Such a fallacy may have been the less perceived, as most of the popular governments of antiquity were of the democratic species; and even in modern Europe, to which we owe the great principle of representation, no example is seen of a government wholly popular, and founded, at the same time, wholly on that principle. In the early 19th century the French author Destutt de Tracy, the inventor of the term idéologie (“ideology”), insisted that representation had rendered obsolete the doctrines of both Montesquieu and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, both of whom had denied that representative governments could be genuinely democratic (see below Montesquieu and Rousseau).

For an example of direct relation, Samuel Johnson in The Vanity of Human Wishes recreates Juvenal’s Tenth Satire to reflect eighteenth century England. As a result, newly published editions and translations of classic Greek and Roman works, including Cicero’s, The prevalence of both satire and the Mock-Epic in 18th Century British literature reflect ancient influences accrued from classical education. Lynch, J. %PDF-1.5 They accomplished a revolution which has no parallel in the annals of human society.

The seven liberal arts were some of the only classical “seeds” to survive the fall the Roman Empire, rescued and preserved by monasteries. They reared the fabrics of governments which have no model on the face of the globe. Known as the Age of Reason and the Century of Philosophy, there was a strong emphasis on learning, religious tolerance, individual liberty, and much more.

Thank you! 4. Bolgar, R.R. Both terms had been applied to the assembly-based systems of Greece and Rome, though neither system assigned legislative powers to representatives elected by members of the dēmos. 22 May 2008 . Canon law was taught, but as time progressed, the more secular aspects of the church (control of finances, logic for preaching) were introduced into the curriculum.

. The sankin kōtai (lit., “alternate attendance”) system was a device of the Tokugawa shogunate, the government of Japan from 1603 to 1868, designed to insure political control by the regime over the daimyo, or territorial lords,

“Representation, or representative government,” he wrote, “may be considered as a new invention, unknown in Montesquieu’s time.…Representative democracy…is democracy rendered practicable for a long time and over a great extent of territory.” In 1820 the English philosopher James Mill proclaimed “the system of representation” to be “the grand discovery of modern times” in which “the solution of all the difficulties, both speculative and practical, will perhaps be found.” One generation later Mill’s son, the philosopher John Stuart Mill, concluded in his Considerations on Representative Government (1861) that “the ideal type of a perfect government” would be both democratic and representative. This development highlighted reasoning, equality and more of a humanistic approach was taken as opposed to traditional practice. Teachers gained prestige, cathedral schools were looked at as predecessors to university, and the great demand of these schools inspired the founding of new universities and their move into the larger cities of Europe, such as Bologna and Paris. The use of Latin, allusions to and imitations of ancient Greek and Roman figures and texts, the use of satire, and the promotion of classical education and ideology are among the prominent features evident in 18th century writings which reveal both the classical training of the authors, and the familiarity of the general population with classical teachings.

22 May 2008 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1959. 35 I have so often recommended to you attention

11th Ed., Vol. These schools, although religious, began to train lay students (students not “of the clergy”) as well as clergy students.

An immense interest in classical education emerged during the eighteenth century, demonstrating that a classical education was still revered in educational circles as the apex of intellectual training. .

Read the passage carefully. We can work on An amortization schedule for an asset placed in-service. It should always be didactic.

Venetians also called the government of their famous city a republic, though it was certainly not democratic. The subordinate governments, which can extend their care to all those other subjects which can be separately provided for, will retain their due authority and activity.