You're earning your keep in 2020, Aquarius, and this isn't about money. Staying in a relationship or going after a connection that only burdens you and causes tension, for example. This a Aquarius tarot reading for September 2020. Reveal what's happening for YOU in 2020 with personalized Astrology predictions ». This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The collective wants change – and rebellion is the way to get it. Once Saturn is in your sign, it will be about your present situation -- where you are now. a love tarot reading and a single card tarot reading for your twin flame, soulmate or person you’re dealing with in love. Virgo! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Just click the button below and share Astrology Horoscope December 2020 Aquarius with your friends.

If it makes you smile, you should do it. The old guard is coming up against the new wave, and it’s time to break free from anything that feels unfair, outdated, or restrictive. This a Aquarius September Monthly Tarot Reading 2020. You’ll find the drama today if you’re looking hard enough. Have you considered giving yourself a break?

We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Lessons that are not learned will just repeat in new cycles until you finally understand. While tech is great, it can also become unhealthy if you don’t rein it in from time to time. This might be a textbook case scenario of you having an opportunity to reconcile with an ex-lover, but it can also be about re-evaluating your ideas about love, sex, and dating. A Rare Blue Moon Is Happening On Halloween—Here's... November Is Here & Your Horoscope Predicts A Month... Gemini, Your November Horoscope Says You're Unstoppable... Capricorn, Your November Horoscope Says You're (Finally... A PSL-Addict Rates The Best Pumpkin Candles For Fall... Take a deep breathe, Aquarius, because September is going to be a highly introspective and spiritually intense month. Get the hell out of there! Get naked under the stars. While you’re at it, take a good, hard look at your social media “friends” or “followers” list. Pisces: King of Pentacles – What you focus on is what you get. It will somehow help you heal and refocus your goals as well as help you to make peace with the fact that life isn't always about chasing success. And between December 17 and March 2023 when Saturn is in Aquarius full time, you will see this commitment through. Aquarius October Monthly Tarot Reading 2020 Halloween Tarot. Clashes are possible but necessary. A space to be vulnerable and communicate how you feel? Your ship is on the way, laden with finery. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. your emotional and mental resilience that has been tested for far too long in your world. Someone from your past could be coming in to rekindle a connection with you. This Full Moon is in a square aspect with Uranus so expect the unexpected today. Think about it, Aquarius! An unpredictable vibe permeates the air all day, which keeps everyone on edge. Check the full video on my YouTube channel: Aquarius October Monthly Tarot Reading 2020. You can close out a cycle in abundance, or close out a cycle burned out. This could also be you rekindling a passion you once had for a hobby or project, yet are afraid to peruse because you think you might lose what you already have. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The Full Moon in Aquarius is excellent for releasing the ones who don’t get or support you.