And then we were hungry, says, let's go back to the cabin. And then when I get to that level, then I can then I can track because I can I can I look at the tracks. I'm good at geography. How did they train? This never happened with us, like Spanish immigrants, there was lots of Italian immigrants, there was lots of immigrants from Turkey when I was a child over there, none of us ever made any neighborhood unsafe for the Germans. All my people, your people, what are your ancestors? Jose tries re-positioning an already-set gill net during high-tide in a canoe 20 feet offshore. Do you do you have any last things you want to share or anything else you want to mention before we wrap up? This indicates that the producers do not try to influence the contestants in any way, and at least the footage they film is completely real. Ferro rod 3. As thrilling and pulse-rasing the entire format is, viewers have been skeptical of the dramatic moments that they see on their screens. All Rights Reserved. Dang it, I dont like saying those words when talking about one of my favorite Outdoor Reality Shows. He sunk to his chest in mud. And this is this is something that I teach in my classes as well. Everything that has wings, except for six or seven species has flown away. Tuesday, Dec 1, 2020, 03:12 PM. So Joe has been rebuilt in the 50s. Every six months, there was some terrible news like that. Has Anyone Died on 'Alone'? Even down to the format. Find something even something small. One show inherently helps with determining if its real or fake, because the answer is in the title. And and what do you do? In this podcast clip Jose discusses tracking and true connection to. I did some ridiculous things like, well, with all that within 12 years from look, the capacity of nature to heal itself is pretty much unlimited. Then the guide who came over to help got stuck. People who last the longest in a season win $500,000. So, yeah, that's, that's the way to contact me, I guess. Faking Hitler entertains the idea that Hitler faked his own death at the end of World War II and was whisked away to South America. And he passed away a few years back and to me, it was a big tragedy because this was the guy that would take me out and let's snare some links. Why? So nobody offered me a scholarship. [14], Martnez began 2018 as St. Louis' starting first baseman. So you you either participate in both of them, or you're not a good steward, for you simply not understanding what the hell is going on here. But what and when and how you select to cut is a different mindset, right? How did they find out what what did they feel? My parents were Catholic, and they were they took us to church. So it's basically by surrendering to a feminine receptive spirit of approaching things rather than approaching everything with this masculine, conquering spirit. So and they're the northernmost team actually with the northernmost team in the world, the company of the White Wolf. Because a lot of the people that are interested are from the states and want to come up here in the Yukon and do skills up here. Here's the verdict on some of The History Channel's programs. In the central Yukon, you would have elk, you'd have deer. And he you know, he saw that I was starting this project. Jose Martinez Amoedo (Season 2) - He makes his own knives and sells them through Facebook. You've heard that before, right? Because it's something that I can do right here. Yeah. Other times it looks like you know, coming from behind a guy and you know, smacking him in the helmet with with a battle axe hard enough where you make him pass out up and fall on the ground. To give you an example, right. But he even had to take to Twitter to head off fans who thought the show was real. Season 2. And I'm right now putting all the equipment and whatnot. And unfortunately, the time to think through the consequences before you make the action, but yeah, something that something I want to talk about, I know we're kind of running long here, we need to get you back to your day, but something I think I would be would be missing heavily is your involvement in medieval full contact fighting? You're not going to tap into the whole other aspect of it, that nature is, nature is not just, Well, if I know the leaves of all the trees, I will be able to identify them. So it's just impact, like strikes, you cannot thrust in the sense that that would then give a possibility. That's not the right thing to say. I can tell what's up here. Yeah, making our disaster somewhere else, but we won't. Most of the segments show just Larry doing jobs, but fans have said the show is one of more interesting and fun ones The History Channel has. What kind of weapons are you using? So being Native, what are our native traditions? The curse is a legend that says seven people must die before the island will release its treasure. So there's just too many people on this planet right now that are living their life in complete and utter lack of consciousness, this kind of that. Because I kind of rebelled against it. And then things happen. Just to let you know, that man right there makes sure they keep it real.. While your shortlist is, is longer than most people's long list. And started fishing around in time, Spain created a medieval fighting team, that states as a medieval fighting team and Canada whatnot. But there was this is how I felt I felt drawn to it. It depends how your mind is wired, like how much of the pure Newtonian science is the only reality type of spectrum you're in versus, you know, God is everywhere. You could look at it as a subconscious mind type of thing. Right? Like straight to the frickin cabin, not even off by a meter. But then if you defeat his guard and hit him, say on the leg, or in the helmet, and because he points in at the end, they count points and give you the result. And at the same time, my my ex she was driving was my son who was 44 years old, something like that. And there's nothing wrong with each of them. So of course that is contrary to Newtonian science. WHY? Ryan also confirmed that contestants are equipped with old cell phones that can only be used in emergency situations but don't provide much assistance beyond that. But I guess when did you realize that? Is the show 'Alone' staged? It just sounds pretty exciting and interesting. Like okay, well, what's, what's there to it? And the thing is, to me, this is interesting. There Have Been Some Seriously Close Calls, 'Alone' Season 8 Was Filmed in One of the Harshest Spots in the World. Instead of being able to sneak up to them, I miss things that I later than perceive. The producers regularly replenish the video card and batteries for the equipment. Because well, because it because they there is a my father went first. My mother dropped them off tennis. My older sister actually. I mean, what are the what are the rules mean? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Another judge even designed one of the deadliest combat knives on the planet. But before that, I had realized that for some reason, unknown to me, I was very interested in spirituality, even as a kid. We traveled all over Spain, and sometimes we traveled abroad. The store makes a killing selling their brand on T-shirts and other merchandise. Yeah, when I mean, you, you've obviously taken taking this whole, I even know how to describe it, you've taken this very deep, and you take it very seriously. The Ancient Series - Discoveries, Mysteries, and Behaving Badly - are shows based on documented facts. That's it. [18] He finished his 2018 campaign slashing .305/.364/.457 with 17 home runs and 83 RBIs in 152 games, and led the majors in percentage of balls hit to the opposite field (34.7%), as well as in percentage of soft-hit batted balls (34.7%).[19][20]. The Alone Podcast 45 subscribers Jose Martinez Amoedo was a contestant on season 2 of the survival TV show, Alone. I can like see a movie, in my mind of the animal doing things and I can the tracks become a movie in my mind of what this animal was doing. So it's, it's a it's a poor place. I mean, what were you doing? I at first actually applied for mountain rescue, and I did go to mountain rescue school, but I got in a fight with a lieutenant. Take care. After 2 Seasons and 22 Episodes I never questioned the authenticity even once, but that all changed after Alone Season 2 Episode 23 Finale. So Jenny Lang Ling took the time to leave a written review of the show as well. Most of what the men do in Mountain Men is boring, so the producers have to get viewers excited. Australian aborigines are famous for that but the Damien's here and in Canada and the states and many places, they did a lot of burning. All this suggests that, while the producers do not intend to influence the events, the environment is certainly controlled to an extent where help can be provided to the contestants in case of an emergency. Winter is basically we had the first snowfalls here already. They submit hundreds of hours of camera time to production, who come to the wilderness sites just to swap out batteries and media cards. But the facts (and the videos) speak for themselves. Season 2. And I think, especially at first people had a sense that it was good to have foreign labor to help rebuild the country, because it's hard to imagine how many men died. It's nothing wrong with it. So you have your preconceived notions. Justin Vititoe. American Restoration is a spinoff of Pawn Stars. And I'm excited to see what you're doing in the future. It's like what what's rabbit stick? There was no bridge language or lingua franca to fall back on. You know that those old time Indians that just new sinks, they new sinks. Mysteries hearkens back to the 70s show In Search Of The show investigates unexplained mysteries in civilization, including legends and real events like Pompeii. Crap. How do you cope with isolation? And a 32nd analysis will show you what I mean. Episode after episode, the audience tunes in to find out whether their favorite contestants are going to persist or tap out by using the emergency phone and making a rescue call. Yeah, but that's my, that's my background. That's most, that is as far removed from, from knowledge in a classroom as I can think of. But, you know, it's difficult the language is, the language is something that lends itself more to be learned in a natural setting than in a classroom, like, like most languages, really, it's easier to live the language than to study the language. So it just an interesting that I'm reading a book and I literally just read that last night and you talk about it so. I did history and geography in university, the NSA Indians, I live with them. Also, the shots of Frank and Mike driving are staged and the dialog recorded on a set. Which is probably better. So that's why I do not advertise myself as a tracker. And obviously, we've, you know, whether whether it knows it or not, I think we've been talking about that for the last like 20 minutes. He spent the year with the Mississippi Braves and was a SOU South Division All-Star. What does that look like? This is ridiculous for Les to say. The producers did an excellent job keeping it real for two full years and then decide to use footage with what looks like a few Alone Show fake scenes on the fricken Finale. Or was that kind of unique to Germany and the circumstance they found themselves in? He goes from talking about winning to using the emergency phone to be rescued seconds later. They spoke Castilian Spanish in Galician. And yeah, it you know, it's not like the whole country. I think if you've if you stopped and looked for just a minute, you can tell. In an effort not to be left behind in ratings and viewership, The History Channel slowly started adding reality shows similar to those on Bravo and TLC. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. None of the participants are true forging and weapons experts. It'd be fine. What do you what do you think about that? Its not just one scene in Season 2 Finale, but several not making any sense. Once again, very excited to be here today and to share this conversation with you all. So I can get rich right now and screw everybody else. I don't know. So we could be stewards of this planet at that level, literally protecting the planet protecting the biodiversity that we have to not have to let the whole system goes through another long Ice Age and the massive die off of species and whatnot, we could protect the planet at that level. If you've never worked or been on a film set, you know that your first few days can certainly be a jarring experience. Well, a lot of times, it looks like grappling and armor and throwing guys. Just take me with a grain of salt and and think about what I say if it's if it sounds truthful to you, then that's why I'm saying it's good enough to me. He couldn't read or write very well at all. He ground out as a pinch-hitter in the seventh inning in his first at bat. Therefore, it is safe to say that Alone is definitely not scripted, and while it may not be 100% real, it is as real as reality shows can get. Yeah, um, couple of definitions here at Royal Guard is the guys with a fancy uniform that just stand there? You know, I tell you, my life is a lot more boring every time one of those guys is gone. There is a strategy for you. 2 quart cast iron pot with lid 4. This is a very poor forest. Rick Dale, whos appeared in several episodes of Pawn Stars as an expert, runs Ricks Restoration. And if you've done a lot of traveling in the in the 2000, and tense, a lot of traveling, so I was I was on and off, like maybe half a year here and half a year, somewhere else. well, we're doing that on a planetary level. Yeah, I mean, they are [still] alone. You just have a feeling something bad is happening behind your back. Pawn Stars is a TV business. Later, all the recorded footage is collected, and a team of associate producers goes through it and decides which parts make it to the final cut. And then you'd have to moose in the wetlands and we'd have the caribou up the mountains and whatnot. Um, but here the boreal forest, you know, there's animals but boy, you You better know where to find them because you can cruise a lot of bush and not see this thing. Jose Martinez Amoedo is on Facebook. Right? Instead, what are we doing? So then it's, you know, safe to say the majority of Germans and people in Wales, for example, or in Spain, have a worldview that is a non Aboriginal worldview. However, a few stand out from this crowd, and Alone is one of . But that's not the point of this whole show. Pro, the drill and a socket? Now, though, that that is a different story. There can be campfire stories around it, you know what I mean? This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Well, it should have turned around it. And Jenny says, Sam is a great interviewer listens well, and asked some great questions. Okay, that's that's basically about almost double as long as as Native Americans have been here. I don't think there's much that can be more stupid to say, then that our ancestor figured out that medicine through trial and error. And then the Neanderthals kind of disappear out of the archaeological record. And I remember them telling me, they didn't make enough money to pay for the rent with his income. So you have to take them down, you have to take them out. Um, I was the trainer that finished the majority of fighters for Canada in the in the world championships. But anyway, like I got into an argument with um, so that that would have worked out for me. They were great. Players are also subjected to frequent medical checkups that ramp up as the end of the competition nears. All his upper clothes, however, look rather dry for just tipping over in a canoe. And, and I, I just felt that organized religion was not my saying my way of doing it. That's the truth, right? Oh, yeah, of course. I was also in that camp until the 50-day-mark before quiet Dave started slowly moving away. Others named Jose Martinez. And you know, I'm not getting any younger. We're not, I don't know, krill eating blue whales, which is an apex predator right away. And I'd seen a couple of pictures online on your on your Facebook page that look like the consequences of a medieval full contact fighting. Despite the real dangers, contestants are encouraged to contact the crew in life-threatening emergencies. The first national parks were established by hunters. In Second World War, like, I know, families where they had five brothers, and they all died. Martnez made his major league debut with the Cardinals on September 6, 2016, after 887 games in ten minor league seasons. This tap-out appeared incomprehensible. For many fans, Clay was abrasive during his time in isolation. We're listening to stupid music and and, you know, yearning for the next model iPhone to come on. My prediction was almost spot-on when all signs pointed to Larry tapping out around the 58th day. I'm excited to get into it. The judges are experts in their own fields, and they use their experience in weaponry to criticize the manufactured weapons. This fake documentary follows in the footsteps of two other shows that attempted to find mermaids and the megalodon. And we said, well, this might be the day, we run into some trouble somewhere. Because to me that, you know, I think of standing at attention with your hand behind your back all day long, making sure no one enters the royal property or whatever. The show chronicles 10 people who must survive in the wilderness for as long as possible with limited resources. Yeah, that's part of it. #BritishColumbia #GrizzlyBears #ChilkoLake #TheHistoryChannel very sad he tapped out But then the reality of it is that was in the year. And as apex predator is we, and with our intelligence, we have the tools to make an excellent job of managing or helping manage ecosystems and keep them in balance. But it it is a bit of a rarity, sadly, so. Why did Jose go back in the freezing water before the Alone emergency crew arrived to save him?