The Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) maintains a list of goods and their source countries which it has reason to believe are produced by child labor or forced labor in violation of international standards, as required under the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA) of 2005 and subsequent reauthorizations. There are reports of children working under conditions of forced labor to produce bricks in India's kilns. The ILO has found that generally, children who work in livestock cultivation may be at risk of exposure to hazards including working long hours, being injured by the animals, and exposure to the elements, diseases, and chemicals such as disinfectants. China has 98 percent of the world's manufacturing capacity for photovoltaic ingots; 97 percent for photovoltaic wafers; 81 percent for solar cells; and 77 percent for solar modules, all of which are made with polysilicon. According to the survey, almost 13 percent of Paraguayan children engaged in child labor in agriculture do not attend school. Clothing brands including Primark, ASOS and Ralph Lauren are among 103 companies at risk of using cotton made by forced labour in China's Xinjiang region, by buying through intermediaries, a new report says. In 2016, the Government of Paraguay published representative results from the Survey of Activities of Rural Area Children and Adolescents 2015, a representative survey of childrens work in rural areas. There is evidence that children ages 5 to 13 cultivate corn in Brazil. Reports indicate that children frequently die while working, having been forced to work under extreme conditions. Some children are forced to work long hours and overtime, and receive little, if any, pay. Some children, as young as age five, are recruited for work through an advance payment to their parents, creating a situation of debt bondage which the child must work to repay. According to media outlets, NGOs, and government officials, some children from Bolivia are victims of deceptive recruitment and trafficking with false promises of decent working conditions and fair wages. Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous RegionWROFAQs, Hoshine Silicon Industry Co. Ltd WRO FAQs, Preparing for an Audit-Partnership in Responsible Trade, Hoshine WRO - Updated Guidance Document for Industry, North Korea Sanctions and Enforcement Actions Advisory: Risks for Businesses with Supply Chain Links to North Korea, 2020 CBP Virtual Trade Week Forced Labor Session. Volkswagen, BMW, Honda, Mercedes-Benz, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and NIO were the other car companies referenced in the report. Silk cocoons can be processed and unwound to produce silk thread. There are reports that children as young as age 8 mine gold in Nigeria. More broadly, according to varied estimates, at least 100,000 to hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs, ethnic Kazakhs, and other Muslim minorities are being subjected to forced labor in China following detention in re-education camps. Children working on farms producing sugarcane perform tasks related to irrigation, the cutting of sugarcane, and guarding crops. 8/3/1992. Please visit our UFLPAwebpage for all updates on implementation. Based on an analysis of the Government of Brazils 2015 National Household Survey, an estimated 5,503 child laborers cultivate sugarcane. Many more household brands have been suspected of having links to forced labor in the Xinjiang region. These hazards include chemical exposure from the processing and dyeing of materials, exposure to cotton and other organic dusts, musculoskeletal stresses, and noise exposure. Both companies provided a comment and were considered separate companies for counting purposes.). Publication of the List has resulted in new opportunities for ILAB to engage with foreign governments to combat forced labor and child labor. Of the estimated 6,049 child laborers who produce textiles, about 448 are 5-11 years old, 2,147 are 12-14 years old, and 3,454 are 15-17 years old. Long hours in the sun with minimal protection can result in persistent health concerns including eye infections, skin irritation and diseases, and respiratory illnesses. There are reports that children ages 14-17 and younger in Cte d'Ivoire are forced to work on coffee plantations. Workers experience non-payment and under payment of wages and withholding of benefits, as well as threats of the same. In many cases, quarry owners give workers advances and loans to pay for growing household and medical expenses related to silicosis. Approximately 26.4 percent, or 675, of the total number of child laborers who grow tobacco are 5-11 years old, while 73.6 percent, or 1,880, are 15-17 years old. "Following the publication of the ASPI report, Alstom and ex-Bombardier Transportation (BT) have undertaken a review of potential forced labour issues in the KTK Group factories supplying Alstom and ex-BT. There are reports that adults are forced to cultivate silk cocoons in Uzbekistan. There are reports that children ages 14-17 and some as young as 7 are forced to work during the annual cotton harvest in Tajikistan. The survey indicates that more boys are engaged in child labor producing watermelons and melons than girls. Some children are sold by their parents to recruiters. In addition, according to the ILO, academics, NGOs, local government officials, and the U.S. Department of State, numerous incidents of child labor have been reported in sand production across the country. Some children inherit the debt of their parents and may be bought and sold between contractors. Many of the children are forced to work long hours and overtime, up to 18 hours per day; many cannot leave the factory even after they have completed their long workday. Previous TVPRA List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor. Starbucks lists coffees from countries such as Guatamala, Kenya, Costa Rica and Panama; however, none of these single-sourced coffees are certified by them as "Fair Trade." Rather, they are all regions that are known to use child labor. Some children are forced to work at the mines with their families in situations of bonded labor, while other children are sent away to the mines by their parents to pay off the family's debt. Child labor occurs at unregulated artisanal and small-scale gold mining sites, including riverbeds in Mudzi and Mazowe. Victims are from provinces across China; some children are abducted or trafficked through coercion and sold to work in brick kilns. According to NGOs, forced child labor in brick production is pervasive, particularly in Northern Rakhine State and near military camps. These children are paid little, if at all. Other children leave their home countries or communities voluntarily, but end up in situations where they are not paid and have no means to return home. There are reports that children are forced to work in the production of teak in Burma. There is evidence that children under the age of 14 raise bovines in Pakistan. Jackie Coleman August 25, 2022. That's despite efforts by companies over the past year to diversify their supply chains and comply with the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act. The release of this survey demonstrates the Government of Paraguays commitment to addressing child labor and its acknowledgement that data collection is vital to the design and implementation of sound policies and programs. There is evidence that children under the age of 14 produce baked goods in Pakistan. An agency within the U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution AveNW On the other hand, they are showing their image of the Eco-friendly brand but still, child labor is being used in bulk. Approximately 3,698 of these children in hazardous child labor are engaged in cattle raising. During the subsequent contract, the children receive little or no wages after the initial advance payment as wages are deducted to repay the advance, and accommodation and food expenses are also deducted. Where companies responded before publication, they have included their relevant clarifications in their report. The 2020 Australian Strategic Policy Institute report identified Zara among the companies that could have directly or indirectly benefited from forced labor in China. 112, CBP Modifies Withhold Release Order on Imports of Carpets and Hand-Knotted Wool Products from Nepal, The Department of Homeland Security Issues Withhold Release Order on Silica-Based Products Made by Forced Labor in Xinjiang, CBP issues Withhold Release Order on Chinese fishing fleet, CBP modifies Withhold Release Order on certain tobacco imports from Premium Tobacco Malawi Limited. The survey estimates that 8,143 child laborers grow sweet potatoes throughout rural areas in Paraguay. Families accept a loan in the form of advanced payment for a year of their child's work, and the child is prohibited from leaving the workplace until the debt is paid in full. "Our analysis has shown that the allegations made against PUMA, as they were made in the 'Uyghurs for Sale' report were incorrect. Some children are forced to work under threat of physical violence. The child workers are mainly recruited from Sarlahi, Mohattari, and Dhanusha Districts. The survey considers a child to be engaged in child labor if the child is working an excessive number of hours per week for his or her age, or if the child is engaged in work that is prohibited for underage employees according to national legislation. Due to the long hours worked, many child workers in this sector are unable to attend school. There is evidence that children ages 5 to 17 are engaged in the production of cereal grains in El Salvador. The report said five of the companies on Amazon's 2021 supplier list had publicly known links to forced-labor programs called "labor transfers," which have forcibly moved Uyghurs to other parts of China. It is reported that boys are more likely to work in harvesting sand than girls. Victims and local NGOs report that some workers who live on the plantation experience degrading living conditions, with no access to clean water or latrines. In 2016, the Government of Paraguay published representative results from the Survey of Activities of Rural Area Children and Adolescents 2015. Researchers note that Xinjiang is undergoing an expansion of the textile industry, and it is possible that hundreds of thousands of workers are being subjected to forced labor as part of this effort. The ILO has found that generally, children who work with livestock may be at risk of exposure to hazards including working long hours, being injured by the animals, and exposure to the elements, diseases, and chemicals such as disinfectants. These children work in small informal mines that are located in remote rural areas and mostly operate on a seasonal basis. Sometimes identity papers and wages are withheld as a means to restrict freedom of movement. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS It is also a valuable resource for researchers, advocacy organizations and companies wishing to carry out risk assessments and engage in due diligence on labor rights in their supply chains. There are reports that adult workers are forced to work in the production of palm oil in Indonesia. Based on an analysis of the Ghana Living Standards Survey, an estimated 10,049 child laborers are involved in the raising of bovines. Childrens engagement in cattle herding is endemic across Kenya, particularly in the arid northern regions of the country, including Busia, Kajiado, and Marsabit Counties, and in Migori County in Western Kenya. Forced labor often occurs on fishing vessels operating in Indonesian territorial waters, especially around the remote island ports of Benjina and Ambon. There are reports that children, mostly boys as young as seven years old, produce woven textiles under conditions of forced labor in Ethiopia. There are reports that children ages 10-16 are forced to work in the production of gold in some mines in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The release of this survey demonstrates the Government of Paraguays commitment to addressing child labor and its acknowledgement that data collection is vital to the design and implementation of sound policies and programs. These products include photovoltaic ingots and wafers (China), solar cells (China), and solar modules (China). Some of these children are sent by their families to fulfill a mandate imposed by the military that requires each household in a village to undertake specified forced labor activities. However, with upwards of tens of thousands of workers employed at brick kilns and the casual nature of work in brick kilns, this number is likely higher. According to the ILO and NGOs, forced child labor is pervasive, particularly in Karen, Shan, and Arakan States near military camps, with children constituting up to 40 percent of forced laborers being used for a variety of activities, including the production of bamboo. These children are forced to work on rotation year-round for the military, although most rice paddy cultivation occurs during the rainy season. The release of this survey demonstrates the Government of Pakistans commitment to addressing child labor and its acknowledgment that data collection is vital to the design and implementation of sound policies and programs. Gap issued the following statement in 2020: "At Gap Inc., we have strict policies against the use of involuntary labor of any kind in our supply chain. .h1 {font-family:'Merriweather';font-weight:700;} The release of this survey demonstrates the Government of Paraguays commitment to addressing child labor and its acknowledgement that data collection is vital to the design and implementation of sound policies and programs. Some children are forced to sow, weed, and harvest the cotton in hazardous conditions; some work under threats of abuse or withholding of payment. Of the 24,377 child laborers engaged in the production of furniture, 13,670 children worked in furniture production for more than 42 hours per week. The survey considers a child to be engaged in child labor if the child is working an excessive number of hours per week for his or her age, or if the child is engaged in work that is prohibited for underage employees according to national legislation. There are reports that children as young as age five are forced to work in the production of carpets, often through a system of bonded labor. The forced laborers are not paid for their work. Sometimes children mine gold by themselves for sale on the black market. This work exposes children to severe health and safety hazards, including drowning, injury, and water-borne disease. The children report being forced to work long hours under threat of financial penalty and being fined for any mistakes in their work. The palm oil industry is labor-intensive and employs between 3.7 million and 8 million workers. These children are paid little, if at all. Children usually live with their employer, and do not receive sufficient food. Children are often trafficked from the Volta, Central, Eastern, or Ashanti regions to Tato and other Lake Volta communities to work. According to the survey, almost 13 percent of Paraguayan children engaged in child labor in agriculture do not attend school. Approximately 24 million people trafficked for labor are in bondage, working in an industry in which they receive little to no pay. Childrens tasks reportedly include breaking apart rocks to mine the minerals, carrying loads of rocks, and sorting and separating mica from other mined minerals. These boys receive no pay for their work; the farmers pay the teachers and the recruiters for the boys' labor. In a time when society sexualizes and gives glamour to sex more than ever, it isnt uncommon to see the rise of individuals being trafficked to perform in bars and strip clubs. ASGM involves physically demanding work due to the un-mechanized nature and often many occupational safety and health risks. China produces more than 80 percent of the global markets products made from hair and is the worlds largest exporter of these products. Workers face hunger and dehydration, live in degrading and unhygienic conditions, are subjected to physical violence and verbal abuse, are prevented from leaving the vessel or ending their contracts, and are frequently not paid their promised wages. .paragraph--type--html-table .ts-cell-content {max-width: 100%;} The Government of Brazils 2015 National Household Survey considers all work performed by children below age 14 to be child labor. Approximately 2.2 percent, or 215, of the total number of child laborers who manufacture footwear for over 42 hours per week are 12-14 years old, while 97.8 percent, or 9,541, are 15-17 years old. The company did not respond to a request for comment. Workers, often from poor rural areas, have been placed at factories in industrial areas within the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, where the camps are located, or have been transferred out of Xinjiang to factories in other parts of China. An official website of the United States government. Through this certification process we learned that we obtained a de minimis amount of cotton yarn from one supplier who has ties to the XUAR. There are reports that mostly girls as young as 11 are forced to produce garments in Thailand. Regional- and district-level governments also impose quotas on neighborhood councils called mahallas, which use their authority over distribution of social benefit payments to force neighborhood residents to cultivate silk cocoons. "There was no part of the car we researched that was untainted by Uyghur forced labor," the team's lead researcher, Laura Murphy, told The New York Times. Their work involves blasting rocks with dynamite and digging to extract coal in deep narrow shafts below ground. Some children are forced to perform dangerous tasks, including carrying heavy loads, using machetes and sharp tools, and applying pesticides and fertilizers. The children are paid little, and deductions are taken from their wages for food and shelter. Children in granite quarries are at high risk of physical injury, and are exposed to large quantities of dust and smoke, which can cause respiratory diseases. Carpet factories are concentrated in the Kathmandu Valley. In 2016, the Government of Paraguay published representative results from the Survey of Activities of Rural Area Children and Adolescents 2015. According to a Government of Uganda official, sand harvesting is one of the main occupations in which child laborers work. Based on the most recently available data from the ILO, it is estimated that almost a quarter of the migrants working in the sugarcane harvest are children under age 14, of which many are working in conditions of forced labor Many children work with their families under conditions of bonded labor. CBP Modifies Forced Labor Finding on Sime Darby Plantation Berhad. When reached for comment, Dell pointed to its Dell Technologies Supplier Principles, which it said provided information about its commitment to responsible business practices. The survey estimates that 4,146 child laborers grow cabbages throughout rural areas in Paraguay. Monitoring teams discover multiple cases of compulsory mobilization across several districts of the country each year. 'I Felt Like a Slave': Inside China's Complex System of Incarceration and Control of Minorities. An analysis of the Pakistan Labour Force Survey 20172018 considers all work performed by children under age 14 to be child labor. The Government of Brazils 2015 National Household Survey considers all work performed by children below age 14 to be child labor. Information from media sources and a research study indicate that the children are forced to work without pay under threat of physical violence, held against their will, watched by guards, and denied sufficient food. Many solar companies operating around the world have suppliers based in China and many are owned by Chinese companies. There is evidence that children under the age of 14 work in the production of electronics in Pakistan. Approximately 11,023 child laborers working in fishing are below the minimum age for employment in Paraguay.