Plan A

Front Page banner + 1 Page Company Info + Link to Company web site
Size: 125 x 50 pixels (1.3 x 0.52 inches)
Cost: $495 for 6 Months
Additional $100 per month to include the advertisement in weekly newsletters that are sent to thousands of people.

 This logo can be anywhere on the main page.

Plan B - Top Page Logo

Front Page banner + Link to Company web site
Size: 125 x 50 pixels (1.3 x 0.52 inches)
Cost: $995 for 6 months (subject to availability)
Additional $100 per month to include the advertisement in weekly newsletters that are sent to thousands of people.

This logo will be on the top of the page.

Plan C

Front Page banner + Link to Company web site
Size: 468 x 60 pixels (6.50 x 0.83 inches)
Cost: $500 for 6 months
Additional $100 per month to include the advertisement in weekly newsletters that are sent to thousands of people.

This will be a rotating banner on the main page.

Plan D

Advertisement on all Additional Pages + Front Page banner Plan A/B/C
+ Link to Company web site

Cost: $25 per page per month + Cost of Plan A/B/C
Advertisement on ALL PAGES is $1000 for 6 months + Cost of Plan A or B or C
Additional $100 per month to include the advertisement in weekly newsletters that are sent to thousands of people.

Plan E

Link Advertisement:  From 20 to 25 letters including spaces.  This will link out to your website, or we will create a single page, but you will need to provide the content and any graphics..
Cost: $300 for 6 Months.( for 26 to 30 Letters - $350, for 31 to 35 Letters - $400)
More than 35 Letters, please contact management.
Additional $100 per month to include the advertisement in weekly newsletters that are sent to thousands of people.

Further info about advertising in contact us at:
300 Enterprise Court,
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302,
Contact: 248-904-1737,