I have acquired the skill of organizing my thoughts.

Pick a specific topic then go gather as much details and information as I need. In this WISE History course I learned about all things that occurred during the ancient world. 3 Pages 641 Words March 2015.

Not having any prior knowledge other than the known fact that they had gods and goddesses, I came out of the course learning more than I expected to learn. Hot Takes: If the Early Return Data Is Correct, Democrats Should Be Preparing Themselves for a Bad Tuesday, Excuse Me for Once Again Looking to Early Ballot Returns in Nevada -- the Numbers Are Intriguing, BREAKING: Gavin Newsom's Abuse of Power Declared Unconstitutional; Permanent Injunction Issued, RedState Contributor Predictions for Election 2020, Pennsylvania's AG Proclaimed Victory in His State for Joe Biden Was Certain, Now He's Backtracking, Sounds Right: CA State Sen. Melissa Melendez on CAGOP's Private Ballot Boxes, Analysis: Trump Campaign Numbers Headed into Election Day, Trump Campaign Releases Stunning Predictions for Pennsylvania Election Day, Guess Which Presidential Candidate Is Getting The ‘Karen’ Vote According To A New Poll. Focusing on what I have learned this semester brings me to discuss the cultural analysis paper that I did on Ancient Greece.

Yet somehow, a large number of people believe the Republican party stands for racism when nothing could be further from the truth.

I’m enjoying it so far. I used this technique to help the readers understand the specific information I was trying to explain. [It will be interesting to see if this legislative fact is mentioned in the text.]. Hot Takes: How Many Votes Remain To Be Cast In 2020? In this history course the use of technology was demanded. I feel that I learned all that I could in one semesters time.

For example, when I started to write my strong response paper to The Church on Capitalism. By the end of this course a student will have gained a great deal of practice in the craft of writing. Save your essays here so you can locate them quickly.

The workloads were heavy and the time was limited, which was a real wake up call for me. There were multiple assignments, quizzes, and other general information about the course that was to be found on an online blog site. I needed to figure out which side I agreed with most, and this often included a thorough ethical examination.

Finally: Spotify Tells Woke Employees Stop Whining About Joe Rogan's Podcast.

Change ), The Frontline Digital Nation Extra Credit, Annotated Bibliography for Slave Narrative, Annotated Bibliography for Cultural Analysis. Assignments such as blogs were required for the course.

Reflections on What I Learned essaysI have learned several things throughout this course – things that will help me in the future, as I make my way through university, and that will help me grow as a person, as well.

The main thing I do before I start writing an essay is to brainstorm. With completing this assignment I was able to explain what I thought was the most important influences, and express all of my new knowledge on the subject to the reader. Then I would organize the information and specify the purpose and what kind of audience I am writing for. To quote George Santayana, “Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it.”. It was the Republican party that pushed for the Act and it was the Democrats who opposed it, even to the point of filibuster.

This technique catches the readers into thinking, “oh why did the author say that?” Giving the readers a part of the essay could make the readers have more interest because they will somewhat know what the essay will be about.

The topic of Ancient Greece stuck out to me because there was information that I felt like I should have already known. One must also draw on many sources of historical records to gain well-rounded knowledge. ( Log Out /  National as well as world history is critical knowledge for the citizens of any nation. With the information, and incorporation of the use of technology, this course has successfully stimulated my mind. I thought it was fairly brilliant so I figured I’d share it with my Redstate friends. We can learn a lot from the achievements and mistakes of our ancestors. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Using the 3-EX was finding the expository, example, and explanation. The second thing I learned from World History was how the world began to evolve and grow in intelligence as well as technology. We can learn a lot from the achievements and mistakes of our ancestors. The history of the printed word is relatively short compared to the history of man, yet it contains critical lessons that help us to make informed decisions regarding current events. What I Learned in Class. I’ve aced all my essays so far, so I hope the prof. is fair in judging this one. In all fairness, I admit there is at least some criticism of the Democratic party. Discovering these facts about history has made the course that much more fun being in. ( Log Out /  Prior to the course, I had no idea that the governing principal democracy came from Athens. National as well as world history is critical knowledge for the citizens of any nation.

I will also explain the role that technology played within this course, and how I benefitted from it. With the information, and incorporation of the use of technology, this course has successfully stimulated my mind. In this WISE History course I learned about all things that occurred during the ancient world. I learned many things about the ancient world civilizations that I never knew. I learned how to analyze rather than report, as well as writing in historical context.

All Rights Reserved. Simply enter your paper topic to get started! I gave the readers what the five writing strategies were and what they mean, then I gave an example of what the strategy would like so the readers can relate to, and last I explained why that has helped me form my paragraphs better. I’m afraid I may have gone off-topic somewhat, but I hope it gets me at least a B. As a conservative Republican who studies politics and history as a pastime, I’m often amazed by the language that’s disparaging of capitalism and takes what I would consider a soft view on communism/socialism. Of course, I think it deserves an A! I started college this year at the tender young age of 35. Drafting is when the writer starts to put notes into sentences and paragraphs. Incorporating the use of technology made the course interesting. The first thing I learned this year was the valuable skill of how to analyze primary sources. In conclusion, I learned many things during my first semester of college. As I reflect on the experience I had during my first semester in college, I’ll focus on all that I have learned and accomplished in my WISE History course. I recently wrote a short essay on the subject of history. This is what I needed to do when writing each of my essays for this class. The first thing I did after gathering information was to start putting them together, which was forming thesis statements, leads, body paragraphs, and conclusions. I learned some things that I feel as a U.S citizen I should know. The main thing that guided me into writing a better essay was using the 3-EX throughout the body paragraphs. My history class essay... on the subject of history. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. For instance, writing an essay outline. WATCH: The Biden Montage That Has the Ability to Swing Voters, Scarborough: If Trump tries to declare victory tomorrow night, we won’t carry the live feed, Joe Biden had 'one last thing' to say before the end of his final rally, but it was NOT to be, Trump Campaign's Internal Numbers Explain Why Team Biden Is Freaking Out About Election Day.

I also did not know that the Olympics originated there as well. Such as when I started the essay with a quote from the author. I discovered many different things in wise history then I have in my other history classes. This is a prerequisite English class for higher-level English education. I have always thought that writing an essay was about whatever-comes-to-mind type of process, but in my English class I learned that before I can write an interesting essay, I have to make an outline first. Blogs were not to be as formal as other academic writings. Regardless of my annoyances, there are many things I’m learning that I didn’t know before so I’m enjoying the class overall. I feel that I learned all that I could in one semesters time. This essay will evaluate the English 111 textbooks, essays, self-reflections, the instructor, and what I personally learned. This process helped me cut all the information down into smaller sections and closely examine what the author is intending. I learned, discovered and accomplished many things this semester. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The history of the printed word is relatively short compared to the history of man, yet it contains critical lessons that help us to make informed decisions regarding current events. Planet Earth Weather And Natural Disasters. Topics in this paper This taught me how to write according to the rhetorical situation.

First, I learned how to write MLA style papers with citations and references I learned in this course that an argument can be developed by examining how I feel about each perspective that is being argued. The first thing I needed to do was to find out what the author is trying to tell the readers, and in which way is he telling us. Drafting is a plan of how the final is going to be like. The assigned subject is “favorite aspect of American history”. Also, I put in my own stylistic choices to gain more focus on my paper. For example when I wrote my rhetorical analysis of my angle of vision. What I learned in World History Over the course of this year, World History has taught me much more than just about history. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Saved essays Save your essays here so you can locate them quickly! I am now aware of all the things that came from Ancient Greece that has influenced America significantly. Due to leftist bias in higher education, my American history class has been somewhat challenging. In the paper, I analyzed the aspects of Ancient Greece that was the most influential to modern day societies. I also learned different things about other religions besides my own. I accomplished every assignment that was given. ( Log Out /